Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Friday, August 10, 2012

It's that time

Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.

Seems like I have lived this law most of my adult life.  A lot is brought on myself, but some of it is not.  My husband and I named this blog "A Creative Mind" and I have not been 'creative' in quite some time.  Not out of laziness, but because of good ole Murphy!   Now, not all of life has been 'wrong', but here lately, it sure feels that way.

I took a leave of absence from classes, because, well, I couldn't take anymore, and I was preparing for student teaching.  Apparently, that has met Murphy and I am not sure that it will happen.  I am still holding onto hope that student teaching will happen and I can graduate, however, it is not looking good at this point in time. I am ready, though.  I have new clothes, and shoes and all that good 'teacher' stuff to wear and look the part.  I have the notebooks, pens and pencils for taking all my notes, I EVEN have a field supervisor who intimidates the heck outta me, but so far, nothing from the school I am to 'teach' at.
Things are going through my mind like, "Well, maybe they don't want me" (although I have NO clue why any teacher would not want the extra help...), "Maybe they don't think I'm good enough", "Maybe I'm too old", "Maybe it's the town I am doing my student teaching in" (I grew up here, can't figure that thought out...).  So many things running through my head.  Even though this was set up back in May and the Administration is 'fine with it' and all that, the new principal seems to be holding things up.  I still hang on to hope!

The other thing Mr. Murphy has messed up is my hubby was suppose to go to first shift and get off of third shift.  His boss even called the house and told ME this would happen....and then, Murphy entered the picture.  And he is still stuck on 3rd shift.  I'm not saying that my husband is old here, but he ain't no spring chicken either.  Maybe 20 years ago he could do 3rd shift and be with the family, but it isn't 20 years ago.   He has a real hard time sleeping during the day; phone ringing, people just coming over, the dog, the cats, the sun light.  Right now I am home to intercept those irritants.  However once I begin student teaching, he's on his own.  Plus, he is really afraid that he and I will drift apart with having no time to ourselves.  Working two different shifts can't be a good thing for any relationship, unless of course, you hate your partner and in that case, just leave.  But, we don't hate each other.  We love each other very much.  And, this little problem has posed some issues and panic within our marriage.  The fact that his boss just blatantly lied to me and to him really set the tone for his attitude at work and at home. 

So, the other day, I was talking to hubby and suggested that we try something to give us a little more time.  With him leaving for work at 9:30 at night and coming home when I am about to walk out the door, I suggested we make a weeks worth of meals.  This, in my head, would free us some much needed "couple time" once I begin my student teaching.  My reasoning is: if the meal is already made, all that needs to be done is to take it out of the freezer the night before, pop in the oven or microwave, heat it up, add some sides and dinner is done in 30 minutes vs. the hour or so it would normally take, giving us the time we need to spend together as a couple and as a family.  We also decided that unless it was a true emergency, we would choose either a Friday night or a part of Saturday (his days off) to spend as either a couple or as a family, respectfully.  So, we figured on Friday night for he and I and Saturday for the family.  Like I said, I'm ready, organized and planned....until Mr. Murphy shows up.

One thing, I have to add, is that for 3 1/2 years I have been home, being wife and mom and NOT wearing shoes unless I had too.  This has posed a problem because I have to wear shoes at the school.  SO, I have been attempting to get my feet used to wearing shoes again...lol.  And they are fighting me on it.  Nothing 'feels' right or comfortable.  What can I say?  I grew up in the country.

So today, hubby and I and our wonderful daughter went shopping.  We got everything we needed to create our week worth of meals.  The menu is as follows:
Chicken and rice (full meal, no more is needed)
Meatloaf with mash potatoes and corn
Sloppy Joe's with chips and carrot sticks
Turkey and black bean enchilada's (a side salad and we're good)
Smothered Pork chops with broccoli and flavored rice.

Now I am in the kitchen cooking up a weeks worth of meals to see if this will give us the time we need, plus, ease some of our fears.  IF Mr. Murphy will stay away, it should work...but we'll see.

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