Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Joint Compound Art

What do you do when you have left over plywood and joint compound?  You make art!!

Do an Internet search for "joint compound art" and you will find a few how-to's that will show you how to do this.  I had left over plywood, and wanted/needed some art for the bath and laundry rooms.

 So, I got out some of the left over plywood and the joint compound and went to work.  I first sanded the plywood.  Not too much.  I wanted the dings and dents in it, but not the splinters.  Then, I applied a thick coat of joint compound and smoothed it out.  I then gathered up some lids, doilies, tooth picks, lace, and any other thing I thought I might use.  While the joint compound is still wet, I went to work; basically drawing in the joint compound.

Then, I let it dry over night.  The next day, I got out my paints, and watered down some AP glue (I was out of gel medium and modge podge).  I got me some old rags and paint brushes and starred at the plywood for a bit.  Picked out my paints and went to work. First, I coated the entire board with a metallic bronze, took my rag and wiped it off, lightly.  Then, I took my yellow and painted in the petals of the flowers and wiped it off, lightly.  Filled in the stems and the sun, and wiped it off.  Then, I just picked out some bright paint colors and painted in certain areas and lightly wiped off and blended.   After each application of paint, I took my rags and wiped off the paint.  Then, I brushed on the watered down AP glue.  Once I was satisfied, I applied the watered down AP glue to the entire board and let it dry.

In my search, I found that most used a canvas or card/poster board.  I didn't want to buy those things when I had perfectly good left over plywood.  I don't think it altered the look by using plywood.  Now the problem is ...which room to hang it in!!!

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