The door was hanging in the North bedroom of our home, just off the dinning room. But, as a french door, offered not much privacy for a bedroom. So, it has been in the barn for a few years. My son stuck the door inside a big black trash bag and with a light tap of a hammer, broke out all the glass in the door making it a little lighter.
We then took a 'shopping' trip to my dad's barn to get some old hinges and hung the door. I think it looks amazing. This Fall, James and I will move that rose bush back and hopefully, next Spring/Summer the rose bush will begin to grow over the arbor.
Eventually, a path will be installed from the door to the day lilies that sit at the end of the path. I am trying to figure out how to make the path go around and meet with the new path we put in last weekend.
This path will have a long tunnel-like arbor (if we can figure out how) with some kind of vine growing over and along. So, when you walk threw the pathway, you will be in a scented tunnel of sorts. That was James' idea, and I LOVE IT!
The North Garden is coming along pretty good. Slow progress/process, but I feel that in the last 3-4 years, James and I have created a wonderful oasis to enjoy year round.
What have you created in your gardens?
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