Our son has Asperger's Syndrome. That is a form of Autism in case you didn't know. I have taught him to never use this as an excuse or crutch in life. I've taught him to use his brain. To think. He is an honor student. He has plans to go on to college and major in Applied Math. He wants to be an Engineer of some kind.
Some people don't understand why he isn't very 'social'. I do. I try to explain, but they don't get it. Some people, even within our own family, are just plain mean and hateful to him. They don't see the hurt in his eyes because they are too focused on telling him what is 'wrong with him'. Hubby and I see and it just pisses us off to no extreme! People don't understand and when my son asks why they do the things they do or say the things they say, I tell him it's because people are heartless. They are too busy to take the time to understand. I tell him to not let those type of people get to him. That one day, they may just understand. He gets it, but the hurt is still there for him. It breaks my heart.
But when I look back on the last 18 years, I am happy with what I have taught him, and what he has taught me. My son has taught me to be more understanding when it comes to people who are 'different' than I am. My son has taught me to be more compassionate. My son has taught me what unconditional love really is. He has taught me to be creative and to live in the present; the moment. He is a grown man to the world. But, he will always be my baby boy!
So, Saturday, the 19th we are having a big party and yes, there will be lots of photos. He wanted me to make BBQ bologna sandwiches. I had to do some fast talking to convince him that a lot of people don't like bologna, BBQ'd or not. So, we settled on BBQ chicken sandwiches and coleslaw, chips, dip, and trail mix. He is having a few friends over and of course, the family will help celebrate.
When this is all said and done, I will be posting all the recipes for you. Here is a list of what to expect:
BBQ chicken sandwiches
Coleslaw (Semi-homemade)
Trail mix
And while you're at it, why don't you head over to my facebook page and hit the 'LIKE' button! Lots of great posts, awesome ideas, and DIY.
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