Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Things I Have Learned From My Cat

I have a confession.  I LOVE cats.  Yep, I'm the 'crazy cat lady'.  Right now, I have four and a half cats.  Half a cat???  Yes.  I found a little black kitty outside the other day.  He was so hungry.  I HAD to feed him.  James almost had a cow!!  "WE DO NOT NEED ANYMORE CATS!!!!"  No, he is NOT a cat person.  So, he stays outside all the time...half a cat. 

Piper, my only female, is the 'Queen" of my cats.  She loves to be petted, but on her time.  Then, I have Gizmo, who so bravely fought off a bob cat and had to have surgery to repair his hip.  Next, is Midnight, the oldest male.  He has decided that under my bed is where he will stay....forever.  Then there is Boomer...one of Midnights boys, a little gray and white kitty, that is afraid of his own shadow.

I love watching my cats play outside, chasing the birds, and sometimes catching them, or the mice, or the lizards, or the snakes.....you get the picture.  Every time I go out to my flower garden, Gizmo must smell EVERY FLOWER!!

If you stop the crap that life throws at you every so often and think, cats can teach you a lot about life.  Today, I am going to share with you a few things my cats have taught me.

 1. Take personal hygiene seriously!  You do not want to go around smelling all the time.

2. Naps are a necessary thing to do!  No matter what else is going on, naps come first.

 3. Take time to play.  Working hard is important, but taking time for a little playing is just as important.

 4. Love each other.  No matter how mad you get, no matter what is said, no matter what is going on in your life, love is the most important thing...period.  Show the people around you that you love them, give them a hug, smile, hold hands (or tails), tell them. 

5. Be loyal to those who care the most about you and you, them.  You will disagree.  You will have little spats.  You will get into trouble.  Let those around you help you when you need it.  And then, return the loyalty. 

You can learn a LOT from a cat....IF you just allow yourself to be open to the possibility.

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