At the beginning of the year, I posted on how hubby and I were drifting apart emotionally and how we had to do something. A series of unfortunate events have happened that has brought me to a very hard decision. This is not an easy thing for me to do. But, I realize in order to save my marriage, it is something that must be done.
About three weeks ago, my laptop crashed. Less than a year old and the darn thing just quit! (why no posts). During those three weeks, hubby and I spent more time together and we both loved it. We had time to do things, go places, talk, and just reconnect. It was wonderful. That 'old' feeling came back and life was great. The laptop got fixed and came home and life went back to 'normal'. Me in the computer, he in the TV.
A few days later, we were just sitting around the house, and I said, "Sure do miss you." He says, "I'm right here. Haven't went anywhere." I said, "Ha ha, you know what I mean." We spent the next two hours talking about the 'problem' and we both realized that blogging, and keeping up with the Facebook page was taking up so much of my time, I didn't leave any room for anything or anyone else.
The next few months are busy months for us. Our youngest will graduate high school, start a new job, and college. We have gardens to tend to, and a few remodeling projects that has to be done. And, we have plans to go on a couple of trips together. And, we just love being able to be free to do what we want to do. To wake up in the morning and decide to take a day-trip, go junking, go to yard sales, flea markets, etc. It's almost like the blog and Facebook page has taken the place of our youngest leaving the nest. A replacement so to say.
So, with all that said, it is with a sad heart that this will be my last post on the blog and Facebook. It was not an easy decision. And I have enjoyed the time I have spent doing this. I've made wonderful friends that are like family to me. James and I have so much we want to do now that our youngest is off on his own (or soon will be). And reconnecting is just one of them.
Sometimes, we get so busy in our lives, so many other responsibilities take up our time, we forget about the ones we live with. The ones that are always there for us. We take for granted they will always be there, will always come home. What we don't realize is one day, we wake up and realize that those people are gone and you sit and wonder what the hell happened. It's an easy trap to fall into to. It may be the Internet, close friends, family, jobs, or some other reason. But we fall into it either way.
Part of what makes a marriage great is taking time for each other. Spending time together as a couple. Getting rid of the kids for a few hours, or a few days and just enjoying each others company. Forget the house work, yard work and all the other stuff that keeps us busy and take time to spend with each other. Marriage is a job. It takes 2 people working together to make it work.
I leave you with this: Ever so often take an inventory of your life, your marriage, the things that keep you 'busy', the things that keep you from connecting with the ones you love the most (family, friends, children, husband/wife) and get rid of those things. If it's the Internet, spend less time on it, if it is crafting, spend less time on it. If it is friends/family, explain that your marriage MUST come first. Then grab your spouse and take a walk, take a road trip, go have pie and coffee, see a movie ALONE! Just the 2 of you. Talk, hug, kiss, say "I love you" and make it happen!
It's been a pleasure doing this all these years and maybe one day, I'll come back to it. IF I'm not out enjoying life. :)
P.S. As for the Facebook page, I will leave it active until the end of next week...then I will deactivate the account. Thank you all for your love and support.
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