Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Christmas Message

One year ago, on Christmas Eve, I had a heart attack. If you follow my posts, you know this.  I wished I could report that my life has taken a turn for the best...however, I am still struggle with my weight, and I still smoke.  Change isn't easy.  Sometimes we have set backs that prevent us from achieving our goals.   The main thing is we keep trying. 

Looking back on the past year, a lot has changed. I know who is important in my life and who I ain't wasting my time on.  I know who I can and can not count on.  I know that some things I can not change.  I must accept how things are, pray God will change it and if not, accept that.  I have learned to love harder and make a LOT of memories, even if other people think I'm nuts. I have learned to pick my battles.  I have learned to let go of the past and focus on the future.  I have learned that no one will run my life except God and me.  I have learned that I do not have to answer to anyone or explain myself or what I do to anyone but God.  My faith has grown stronger and I appreciate what I have. 

I don't live in a huge house.  I don't drive new cars.  But I have a home, and I have 2 cars. I have a husband that has stood by my side through all the good and all the bad.  I have a son that aggravates the hell out of me, but I couldn't love him more.  I have a daughter that grows more beautiful everyday and has blessed me with a equally beautiful grand daughter and a future grand son or daughter sometime in July or August.  I have a LOT of wonderful nieces and nephews that I just adore and feel blessed to spend time with. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers that no words can describe how deep my love goes for them.  I have 3 dogs and 3 cats that think I am the bees-knees.  I have a lot of friends that I am honored to know.  I am blessed beyond measure.

The coming year has a lot of mystery in it as the future does.  I have no clue what will happen in 2014, but I am looking forward to it and whatever it brings I am ready! 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Here's to a great 2014!!!!!

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