Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Making Memories

Tonight, I made a huge pot of chili.  I love chili...with Frito's, cheese, onions and sour cream.  My sister asked me last night what I was planning on making for dinner tonight.  I told her "chili" and she more or less invited herself over.  Then, tonight, just as I was setting the table, my phone rang and my brother, who happens to be a truck driver, called.  He was home and "starving", so I told him I had made a huge pot of chili and to 'come on over'.  I added a couple more bowls to the table and we all gathered around and had a great meal.

We got into a discussion about the end times.  We got a Bible and began reading and discussing our thoughts and opinions on the subject.  There was a slow spot in the conversation and my brother asked my sister what she would like for Christmas.  I didn't hear her answer.  Then he asked me what I would like for Christmas.  I said, "I know what I don't want."  He looked at me, with a puzzled look and asked, "What?"  I said, "I don't want another heart attack!"  We all nodded our heads in agreement and my brother said, "No, we don't want that." 

So, my sister and I asked our brother, "What do you want for Christmas?"  He sat for a moment and thought.  He leaned back and said, "All I want is for everyone to get together and not fight.  To not be mad or angry at each other.  I want all of us to just get together, celebrate the real reason for Christmas; the Birth of Jesus and just have a great day." 

My sister and I sat in shock, starring at our brother.  Let's just say, he isn't the most 'religous' person on Earth.  So to hear him say this was, in a word; shocking.  My sister finally said, "We can do that, I think."  I nodded in agreement.  But I thought about it for a minute and then said, "But it wouldn't be the holidays if someone didn't get upset with someone."  We all started laughing.

After they went home, I sat and thought about this for a while.  I thought about all the Christmas' we've had, 46 for me.  I don't remember a time any of us got together and somewhere, someone didn't say or do something that didn't upset someone else.  It's the way our family rolls.

One thing I have learned since having my heart attack is make as many memories as you can.  This Friday I am 'hosting' a Princess party for my nieces.  We have crowns, Princess movies, pizza, ice cream, coloring, painting, crafting, and of course, tea.  I had a family member ask if I had lost my mind and if I knew what I was 'getting myself in to'.  Yeah, I know what I am doing and no, I have not lost my mind.  I am making memories. 

Sometimes events in our lives changes us.  The event, no matter how big or small, makes us a better  person, a kinder person, a more loving person, a more understanding, empathic person.  Sometimes a serious event makes a person appreciate life a little more, makes them want to make people happy. 

When we die, we sure can't take all the stuff we have with us.  It stays here, with our loved ones.  For them to remember.  My brother asked me one day, when you die, what do you want people to remember?  That is a loaded question and I had to think long and hard about it.  After a very, very long time, months even, I told him.  I looked at my brother and I said, "When I die, I want to leave behind a legacy of...Love. I want people to remember all the happy things I did for them.  But, before that happens, before I die, I want to make a LOT of memories, not for me, for everyone else."

I made a memory tonight.

And, I will make memories this Christmas.

What is you plan for Christmas to make it memorable?

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