Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, December 16, 2013


I've fallen behind on my blogging.  And, with the holidays dang near here, I ain't gonna catch it up! 

This last weekend was a super busy, super fun weekend.  Friday I had 5 of my nieces here for a Princess Christmas Party and Sunday, my family gathered at our dad's home to trim his Christmas tree, eat some really great food and have fun and games!

From Left to Right: Chloe, my niece, my sister, me my oldest sister, my sister in law, and my next to the oldest sister, my son, and in the blue chair, my dad.
My oldest sisters and I were talking about how Christmas just isn't the same as it used to be.  My oldest sister's husband passed away a few years ago and our Mother passed shortly after that.  She stated that she just 'hated Christmas' and that 'it just wasn't worth celebrating'.  James' dad passed away when he was 9 years old, and for him, Christmas has never been the same.  My oldest sister and I somewhat agreed on how sometimes, we just wished the holidays would just go away.

My second to the oldest sister was standing behind us listening(we didn't know this).  She said something super profound, and surprised me.  Not that she doesn't say things that don't surprise me, this was just..well, it made sense.  She said (paraphrased) 'I know we have lost a lot of our loved ones over the years, and nothing is the same.  Things change.  But our grandparents lost people they loved dearly and they still celebrated the holidays.  Christmas must be celebrated and kept alive, not for US, but for our children and our grandchildren and for the future of our grand children's children.  Life changes for us, through the loss of loved ones, and it will for them as well.  But we must carry the traditions of Christmas and share them with our children and their children so our traditions won't be lost.'

At first I didn't think anything of this, but as the day went on, and we laughed until we cried and had a great family fun day, I began to think about what she said.  I must agree with her.  It is so important, in today's world, to keep those old family traditions going and to create new one's, as well.  I think in today's world, it is even MORE important to keep holiday traditions alive.  As my own family grows bigger and we have more little one's running around, I find myself clinging to those old family traditions and trying to make new traditions. 

Last year, I had planned a big Christmas morning breakfast.  But I found myself in ICU on Christmas morning.  My kids have asked if we are going to do that this year and James and I have kicked it around some.  Honestly, I'm not sure he is up to it....and not sure I am, either.  We wanted a simple, family Christmas and I think we will have it on Christmas Eve at my dad's with all of the family gathered together.  Christmas Day will be spent relaxing, watching old black and white Christmas movies and just enjoying the day. 

Old traditions much be kept alive.  But sometimes new traditions are just too much.  Our society is a busy, on the move, world.  Sometimes it is nice to just spend the day doing nothing.  Just spending it reflecting on the past year, the new year ahead of us, and the birth of Jesus is enough.

What are some holiday traditions you cling too? 

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