Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, August 5, 2013

No Smoking

I've not done much DIYing, crafting, sewing, cooking, or anything the last few months.  Since my eye began to bleed, it's just really hard to see things right now.  I spent a few weeks in a depressed state of mind over this eye problem.  Then decided that was enough.  The doctor gave me some Chantix to take to stop smoking about a month and a half ago.  I've been hesitant to start it.  Mainly because of my state of mind.  Apparently, Chantix can cause depression, mood changes, homicidal and suicidal thoughts.  Not something one would begin when in a depressed state to begin with. 

So, I started Chantix yesterday morning.  I was okay until about late afternoon, early evening.  I began to cry at the smallest things, shows/movies on the TV, I ever cried at Walmart last night!  The biggest effect is I've been up since yesterday.  I feel like I took a big hit of speed!  I'm wired so much, it's crazy.  Plus, the headache and every time I light up and take a drag, I feel like I'm gonna be sick!

I have hope that this will work this time.  Say a prayer for me.

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