Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Final Year

I'm a little sentimental this morning.  My son and husband would just say "mental", but I disagree!  School started back today and it is my son's final year in high school.  How can I not be 'mental'?  My son was making fun of me this morning.  "Ohhhh, boo-hooo, booo-hooooo!!!"  I wasn't crying...much.

My son and I have been on a journey.  He has Asperger's Syndrome.  That is a form of Autism.  He is very smart, and, very OCD.  He has had his share of 'melt downs' and he has his way of doing things that may or may not be the way it should be done, but it gets done, nonetheless. He has a huge heart and feels that every one has some good in them.  I tell him he's delusional!  He tells me I'm too cynical.

At a very young age, I 'knew' something was not quiet right with him.  It was years later I finally got a diagnoses and it was devastating for me.  For a while, he tried to use this to his advantage.  One day I sat him down and told him he could be anything he wanted.  He didn't have to use this as a crutch.  I was 'advised' to get an IEP from the school.  I knew from my own education that would follow him forever.  I did not want my son growing up with this hanging over his head.  I knew he could be more!  So, we worked on things.  Counseling only made things worse.  So, I stopped it.  I know my son better than anyone.  I know his potential.

I was hard on him.  Not abusive, hard.  I made him study.  I told him, "You can do this!  We'll do it together."  I remember nights when I was in college he would stay up and listen to me read my college text books.  He soaked it all in.  He even helped ME with homework.   And it has paid off.  He has been on the Honor Roll since 7th grade.  He was in band for a while.  He has a 4.00 GPA!  He's in Upward Bound, Oklahoma Promise and GearUp!

He is taking TRIG and PHYSICS, for crying out loud!!!

I remember last Christmas, the day after I had my heart attack.  He walked into ICU and there was so much fear in his eyes.  It about broke me.  He stood there, looking at me.  I said to him, "Hey, I'm okay.  I'm OKAY!"  He came over to the bed and hugged me so hard.  And I hugged him back just as hard.  We both cried.

My son and I have been down almost every road anyone can imagine.  We have fought together, cried together, had long heart-to-heart talks. We have been mad at each other and happy.  We have a relationship of respect, love and admiration. He knows and understand I am the parent and he is the child.  He is my baby.  And he always will be.

My prayer for my son is he has the best year of his life.  That he learns and makes loads of new friends and embraces old friends.  Next Fall, he will be off to college.  He wants to be an Engineer.  He can do it. I know he can.  And, he knows he can.

Yeah, I was a little teary eyed this morning.  And when he walks down to his seat in May and walks across that stage to get his diploma, I'll be there, cheering the loudest!  With tears in my eyes.

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