Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, Cheater Style

Okay, so it's been the week from hell around here.  James hurt his back Saturday helping my dad to the bathroom.  By Monday, he was in so much pain he couldn't move and I had to call an ambulance to come get him.  He's been off work all week.  Thursday night, angina was about to send me to the ER, but prayer, okay, begging God, helped.  It was a very stressful week around here.  But, we made it, it's the Labor Day weekend and James is much better.  He still have trouble sitting and standing and walking, but at least he is moving.

I tried to make the week as happy as I could.  I attempted to make some cinnamon rolls for him.  That was horrible!  DO NOT, I repeat, NEVER, EVER use baking mix to make cinnamon rolls.  It NEVER works out.

I did an Internet search for ways to make cinnamon rolls without all the work involved.  I can across this site for "Easy Cheater Cinnamon Rolls".  I had to try it.  I had to make up for the baking mix disaster!!!!  So, my brother took me shopping at The WalMart World and I got the rolls.  I had everything else.

I decided to make them tonight.  Yes!  They are that good that I could not wait to share his recipe.  The hardest part I found was getting all the rolls into one big ball.  My son helped with that.  Everything else was so easy.  And they taste amazing.  Try this recipe. You will not be sorry. 

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