Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Heart Health: Smoking

I was looking back at all I have done for a “Year of Heart Health” and I have touched on this subject but not really dug into it.  It’s a bit touchy for some.  Some have really strong feelings about smoking and others just don’t care.  You either love it or hate it.   

I am a smoker.  I quit once for almost 5 years, but I got a case of stupid and started smoking again.  It’s true what they say, that if you have stopped smoking and start back, you’ll smoke more and it’s harder to quit again.  When I quit the last time it really wasn’t that hard.  Not so much this time.  It’s been difficult.  Maybe it’s because I have more stress in my life now.  Maybe it’s because I’m bored.  Maybe it’s because other people smoke around me.  Maybe….it’s an excuse to not stop. 

As with any drug and yes, nicotine is a drug, there is a reason why you do it.  Once you find out that reason, it’s a little easier to stop.  I knew why I had started smoking in the first time, so that made it easier to stop.  Why did I start again?  That remains a mystery.  I’m not sure.  I remember when, I remember who it was that gave me that cigarette; I remember where I was at and what I was doing.  I do not remember why.

So how does smoking affect the heart? Smoking causes a buildup of fatty stuff in your arteries.  This is called Atherosclerosis.   This occurs when the normal lining of the arteries deteriorate, the walls of the arteries become thick and fatty deposits and plaque block the blood flow.  Your arteries become narrow, which decreases the supply of blood to the heart, which decreases the oxygen to the heart, which puts more strain on your heart, which can lead to a heart attack.  MAN!  That was a mouth full!  Smoking also decreases HDL (good cholesterol) and increases blood pressure and heart rate.

It’s good to not smoke.

I’ve been taking Chantix to help me stop smoking and I must admit it has helped me a great deal!  In 12 days, I have went from 3 packs a day down to 1 (sometime ½) packs a day!  There are a whole bunch of side effects with taking Chantix.  I cannot stress this enough:  TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY!  They are not put on the packaging for you to entertain yourself while in the bathroom.  

The one thing I was looking out for is Chantix can cause a heart attack.  Having already had two of them, I did not want a third.  I expected some edginess, crankiness, and shortness, but I did not expect the hostility, anger, aggression and other negative feelings I was having and unable to control.  I felt like I was on the edge of losing it all the time.  I wanted to yell at people and I wasn’t holding my thoughts back, either.  Everything I thought, somehow, came out of my mouth.  I could not control it.  It was becoming dangerous, not just for others, but for me as well.  One time, I thought about getting my hubby’s pellet gun and shooting him with it!  Why?  No idea.  It was almost impulsive and I had to talk myself out of it.  I did a lot of talking.  I love my husband very much and why I wanted to harm him, I still have no idea.  My logic tells me I need therapy.

So, I am now taking a 1mg daily, and a 1mg every other night.  We'll see how that works out.  I'm not feeling as hostile as I was, so that in and of itself is an improvement.

I can say I am breathing better.  I feel better overall.  My house smells better because there is no smoking in the house now.  It’s a bit of an inconvenience to stop whatever it is you are doing to go outside to smoke.  Hubby has a slight problem doing this.  He attempts to guilt me into letting him smoke inside.  He’ll say, “Guess I’ll go OUTside to smoke.”  Then, look at me as if to say, ‘Please can I smoke inside?”  I just smile and say, “Okay”.  Yes, I am standing my ground on this.  My sister won’t come to see me because she can’t smoke in the house.  Oh well.  My health is more important than she is.  And it’s not that I am becoming ‘one of those people’.  Right now, the smell of cigarette smoke makes me sick.  A side effect of the Chantix.  One day, I’m sure, it won’t bother me.  Then again, it might.  I don’t know.  I just know that right now, not smoking in the house is helping me.  Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier if hubby didn’t smoke. 

I know I am making my heart happy and healthy by not smoking, or as of now, not smoking as much.  I know by not smoking I will live a longer life.  If you haven’t stopped smoking, maybe you should look into it.  Again, not going to become one of those people.  But, it will make you healthier, happier, you will breath better and because your heart is getting the much needed oxygen rich blood, your heart will be better.  Your lungs will clear up; your sinus’ will improve.  That cough you have…it will go away.  Your life and your health will improve.  And, you will be proud of you.

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