Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Apple Spice Cake

Have you ever had an idea, tried that idea and it completely come out wrong?  Yeah, me too!  I had this great (I thought so) idea on a apple spice cake.  I love to use whatever short cut I can.  My idea would be great had I made this from scratch.  I didn't.  I used a boxed spice cake mix and it went horrible!!!!

Let me tell you what I did.  I mixed the cake according to package directions, omitting the oil.  I melt some butter in a skillet, added white and brown sugar to the butter and then added diced tart apples.  I cooked this mixture for a bit then let it cool.  I then added it too the cake mix, put in loaf pans and baked them.  Once done, and cooled, I proceeded to take the cakes out of the loaf pans and this is where it went bad.  I picked up the loaf pan, and turned it upside down to allow the cake to come out and it did....it pieces!

I stood there for what seemed like forever, starring at my plate of cake crumbs. I had to walk away.  I had to think about this.

I said in the beginning, I love to use shortcuts.  This was more than a shortcut, this was a disaster!!!  So, I went ahead and mixed up my glazed and poured it on the cakes.  The boys would eat it no matter how it looked.  And they did.

After spending a few days thinking about this, I tried again.  This time, however, I did things a bit differently.  Instead of adding butter, and sugars, I mixed up the cake mix according to the directions, diced up a couple of tart apples, tossed them in the batter, folded gently, poured into loaf pans and baked.

This time, they turned out perfectly!  I was happy.  Sometimes using shortcuts can be a great help to us.  Sometimes, we add more than we should and end up with a mess.  Funny how life is a little like baking, isn't it.

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