Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Under the Dome

I don't normally blog about television shows.  This is mainly for crafts, cooking, remodeling, DIYing, and the like.  However, as summer is coming to an end and the first hints of Fall are in the air, the summer television shows are coming to an end and the new season of last years shows begin. 

One show that has had huge ratings is the adaptation of Stephen King's book, "Under the Dome".  I LOVE Mr. King. I've read a LOT of his books and seen a LOT of his movies and even own a few of them.  I've read the book, "Under the Dome", so I was looking forward to seeing the summer series.  Boy, was I disappointed!!!  And even more surprised to read that Mr. King approved the writing and even had a hand in writing some of the episodes.

I watched the first three shows and was like, "This is NOT in the book!!"  I became interested in where, exactly, this was going.  The more episodes that showed, the further away from the book it became.  That had me hooked.  And, mad!  But I could not stop watching it.  Every Monday night (except for one, and I was at the hospital with the hubby) at 9pm I was ready and set to see what would happen, if it would venture back to the book and continued to ask, "WHY?  Why would Mr. King allow THIS to happen to his book?"

So tonight is the last show.  And guess what?  According to Huffington Post, it has been renewed for NEXT SUMMER!  You can read the article HERE  Really?  They are gonna wait an entire year to bring the show back?  Not sure if that is a wise move or not.  By that time, people will have forgotten about the show and new shows will come out for the summer.  Shows that (I hope) will be a lot better than this one.  And, Mr. King will be involved in the writings of Season 2, as well. 

This is reminding of the show, "Lost" which went on forever and ever and ended (finally) with most people standing there scratching their heads and asking, "What the heck?"  I hope "Under the Dome" isn't planning on being another "Lost".  And, not sure I'll be watching next summer, either. 

What has been YOUR favorite, can't miss summer show?  What were your thoughts about it?  Share with us. 

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