Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I Have Not Forgotten

Good Morning!  I wanted to let you all know I am not neglecting the blog.  I have been under the weather, and of course, working on some Fall craft projects.  I haven't forgotten about you all!  My doctor put me on some antibiotic for an infection and I had a really bad reaction to it.  Apparently, it doesn't play well with my heart medications.   And, from my understanding, it's not been reported enough to the FDA for a doctor or pharmacist to catch it.  Well, now we know.  I am feeling some better today.  I'll spare you the details, but I will say, I'm able to drink hot coffee this morning, so that in and of itself is an improvement!

I took this photo this morning to give you guys a sneak peak into what I've been working on all week.  I'm out of a few things so I can finish this up, so it's just sitting on my dinning room table for now.  Look for a post sometime next week to see how I did all this and what exactly all this is.

Hope you are having a great week, and I raise my coffee cup to you on having a great(er) weekend!! 

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