Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Baby Lyla

I have been so busy since I last posted.   Let me update everyone.  We went in on Wednesday, no baby.  Went back Thursday, and by noon, still no baby.  About 2 pm, I got “the call” they were getting DD ready for C-section.  We got to the hospital, spent about 5 minutes with her and SIL, and they took her away.

My sister, knowing just how excited and worried, and happy, and freaked out I was, said, “Let’s go get something to eat.  I’m hungry.”  SO, off we went, and of course, the cafeteria was closed.  So, we went looking for vending machines.  Got back to the waiting area, ate a bag of chips in record time, stepped outside to say a prayer and at 4:45 pm, our little bundle of joy came into the world.

When my SIL brought Lyla to the nursery, and I actually saw her, I stood for a moment and just stared.  I couldn’t believe she was finally here.  I couldn’t believe my DD was a mommy, and I was a grandparent.  The thoughts and emotions that ran through me were enough for a lifetime.  I didn’t feel “old”, I felt young and happy and relieved.  I took a LOT of photos. 
I spoke with her doctor for a bit….and he said that everything went great!  I knew Lyla was okay, now my thoughts turned to my DD.  I just needed to “see” that she was OK.    I think my sister was the only one that really got that and she attempted to console me.  It didn’t work; I still needed to ‘see’ my daughter.

My DD and I have been through a lot together.  The memories of the last 20 + years came screaming into my mind.  The ‘could haves’ the ‘should haves’ and the ‘did dos’.  The thought of her being a wife and mom, how she, in typical fashion, and, like her mother at that age, thinks she knows best.  The understanding and knowing she will make mistakes, it’s how we learn, and the thought that God has blessed us flooded my heart.  I had to step outside for a few minutes alone and again, thank God for all He has given to my family.

When I finally get to hold Lyla, the emotions that ran through me…?  I think the only people who can truly relate are those who are already grandparents.  I remember my friends becoming grandparents for the first time and them explaining how it felt.  I couldn’t grasp that.  There are no words to express the feeling.  There are no songs, poems, nothing, that can explain how it feels to hold that grand baby in your arms.

James had to work, so he totally missed all the excitement, even though I had him on the phone about every 10 minutes or so.  The next day, James, DS and I went to see the baby, DD and our SIL.  James said on the way home, “That was just the BEST feeling in the world!”…and he cried, a little. 

And, it is the best feeling in the world.  Having your own children is the best, but this…oh, it is the best.  As my Aunt Jean put it, “It’s being able to give them all the love in the world…without all the responsibility.”  Maybe…I don’t know.  I just know since Thursday, I have had this stupid looking smile on my face and nothing can take it away….nothing!  

My other sister and I were talking to our dad last night and she asked him, “Dad, what are you going to do with all these little great grandbabies around here?”  Dad looked at us and said, “I’m going to rock and spoil them.”  And he laughed.   I haven’t seen my dad this happy since our Mother passed away.  He is so looking forward to seeing Lyla.   Maybe this was Mom’s way of telling us that all is “okay”.  To enjoy life.  To count our blessings.  And in all honesty, this is the first Christmas since my mom’s death that I am actually looking forward to celebrating.  

I say this every year, but this year, I truly mean it.  Thank God for all He has given to you.  It doesn’t take long to do, just say a simple, “Thank you, Jesus” is all it takes.   I’ll be back next week with some thoughts and ideas and more recipes, DIY’s, and good stuff for you to try and think about.  Until then, have a wonderful, blessed Christmas.  May all your Christmas dreams come true.

The Page Family

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