Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bathrooms and Boy Smells

This post is not for the faint at heart.  It is an up close and personal exploration into a world no one really wants to go, but must.  If you have a weak tummy, you might not want to read this.  Go ahead and click off if you need too, I’ll wait for those who can handle it.  
 Okay, here’s the thing.  If you have the male species living in your home, you are very aware of the fact that sometimes, when they go to the bathroom, they miss the toilet.  Then, you go in and step in “it”.  We all know what “it” is, too.  PEE!  Nothing is more aggravating, stinky and nasty as stepping in pee first thing in the morning!  Okay, leaving the seat up and falling in is a close second, but still….

You can mop the floors, scrub the floor on your hands and knees and that ‘smell’ is still there.  NOTHING seems to get that smell out of the bathroom and of course, you smell it and you know the neighbors can smell it.  You totally freak out if you have company.
I am here to let you in on a little secret.  It doesn’t take a scientist to get rid of this nasty, smelly, odor.  It take 3 ingredients…that’s right, THREE!  And, I’m sure you have them in your pantry right now!  

Here is what you do.
Baking soda
Lemon Juice
Mix together to form a paste the consistency of pancake batter.  Get a glove, ladies.  This is the really nasty part.  Rub that mixture all over your toilet, around the bottom of the toilet, the back and around the floor.  Let it sit 10-15 minutes.  

White Vinegar
 Next, take a spray bottle, fill it with the vinegar, full strength, and spray any place the baking soda/lemon juice mixture is on the toilet and floor.  Get a bowl or pot, fill it with HOT water, get a rag and begin to wipe the baking soda/lemon juice/vinegar off.  Rinse the rag well; continue until the toilet is clean.  

You will be amazed at the color the hot water in the bowl will turn.  You just think it’s clean.  It isn’t, trust me.  I did this last night with my own toilet and I was disgusted by what happened!  Not only will this get the urine off the toilet and floors, it will neutralize the smell and give you a bathroom you can be proud of.  


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