Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

About Us

First and most important, thank you so much for clicking the “About Us” button!  That means you want to know more and that is so nice of you.

Still here?  Good.  That tells me you want to know more about us.
I am from Eastern Oklahoma. I grew up here, went to school here and still live here. No, not much into moving.  Although, I did do my fair share of traveling. I have seen every State in the U.S. except Oregon, Michigan, Montana and Washington State.  One day, I will get to see them.

I met my husband (of all places) online. We spent four months exchanging emails, and then he asked me on a date.  It was love at first sight.  I knew the second I saw him I would marry him.  We share two wonderful children, Jessica and Jacob.  We have one granddaughter, Lyla.

I spent over 20 years in the health field and decided to try my hand at college.  I am now a stay at home mom and wife.  I started this blog because I always have a project of some kind going on.  It may be a craft project, party planning, cooking, remodeling or some other wonderful idea that pops into my head.   Having survived two heart attacks, I am always looking for ways to help improve my health and I share what I find interesting.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope that you have seen something that inspires your creative juices to flow freely.  If you have, let me know.  I love to hear/read comments and get new ideas.