Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Trash Bag Ghosts

Hey everyone!  It's been a trying week already and it's only Wednesday!  I am determined to have a good second half of the week. 

We've been working on our Halloween display for about two weeks.  I was looking at it today, while the dogs played and thought, "It needs some ghost."  We have one little ghost, we bought a few years ago at the Dollar General Store and it was all alone!  So I set out to make some ghosts.

Funds being low this week, I had to figure out how to do this and make it look somewhat like a ghost.  Not an easy thing to do.  I went into the storage room, aka: my office, and found the Christmas ornaments.  And the light bulb went off!!!  No, really, the light went off.

I grabbed the bag of ornaments and after ripping the bag open, I found some fairly larger, round ornaments. "PERFECT!"  Then, I got my bag of Walmart bags, the duct tape, some yarn, the scissors, some tulle and went into the kitchen for white trash bags.  I then set out to create some friends for my one lone ghost.

I took a Walmart bag, and cut out the part with the lettering and leveled the bottom. (As shown in the photo above.)  Then, I found my center and poked a hole in the top.  I took my ornament and put the hang-y thing in through the hole.

I took the corners and pulled them as tight as I could and taped them together.  I gathered up all the left over bag and took one of the strips and tied a knot as close to the under side of the ornament as I could get. (See photo above).

I took the tulle and again, found the center and cut a very small hole in it.  Threaded the ornament through the hole. I took two white trash bags, and did the same with the white trash bags.  I took another plastic strip and tied it as closely as I could under the ornament.  I now have one layer of tulle, and two white trash bags on the ornament.

I fluffed out the bags and took the top white trash bag and my scissors and starting at the bottom, cut all the way up to make strips.  There was no right way, except to stay as straight as I could. 

Then, I used black paint to paint on a face, took them outside and tied to a tree limb.  Easy, cheesy!

It's not yet complete, but it is getting there.  We have one more item to put out and once FedEx delivers it, we'll put it out and it will then be done for all to enjoy!

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