Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, Cheater Style

Okay, so it's been the week from hell around here.  James hurt his back Saturday helping my dad to the bathroom.  By Monday, he was in so much pain he couldn't move and I had to call an ambulance to come get him.  He's been off work all week.  Thursday night, angina was about to send me to the ER, but prayer, okay, begging God, helped.  It was a very stressful week around here.  But, we made it, it's the Labor Day weekend and James is much better.  He still have trouble sitting and standing and walking, but at least he is moving.

I tried to make the week as happy as I could.  I attempted to make some cinnamon rolls for him.  That was horrible!  DO NOT, I repeat, NEVER, EVER use baking mix to make cinnamon rolls.  It NEVER works out.

I did an Internet search for ways to make cinnamon rolls without all the work involved.  I can across this site for "Easy Cheater Cinnamon Rolls".  I had to try it.  I had to make up for the baking mix disaster!!!!  So, my brother took me shopping at The WalMart World and I got the rolls.  I had everything else.

I decided to make them tonight.  Yes!  They are that good that I could not wait to share his recipe.  The hardest part I found was getting all the rolls into one big ball.  My son helped with that.  Everything else was so easy.  And they taste amazing.  Try this recipe. You will not be sorry. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Importance of Family

It's been a crazy, insane weekend and beginning week.  I can only pray it becomes a little easier for us.

Friday:  The Chantix has been stopped.  I'm not smoking nearly as much as I was before I began the Chantix, but I had to stop taking it.  I have no memory of Friday between 6pm and 3am.  I do know I ended up in the ER, with my husband and sister, freaking out!   I'm much better today.  I guess, according to the hospital records, I had a "psychotic break down" due to the Chantix.  Won't take that again.  I'll just stick to the patch.

Saturday:  Spent the day with my dad, caring for him.  In the process, dad fell, James caught him, and pulled the muscles in his back.  We didn't realize just how bad it was until Monday.  I'll get to that in a bit.

Sunday: James and I tried to spend some very much needed time together, but some family members got upset over that.  They will get over it.  We needed this time.

Monday: James was hurting pretty bad, but was hell bent and Georgia bound to go to work.  He went to take a shower and I thought he was in there a little longer than normal.  He finally yelled for me and when I got to the bathroom, he was down for the count!!  It took me 45 minutes to get him to the bedroom, about 15 feet.  I ended up calling an ambulance to take him to the hospital.  We were there over 6 hours and I had to yell at the ER doctor's to get him some kind of pain relief.  My sister, Johannah, came to get us and bring us home. 

Last night was bad.  Had about 3 hours sleep total.  My oldest sister, Theresa, took me to the pharmacy to get James' pain pills.  I don't think she realizes how much I appreciate that.  My brother, Jeff, is going to help out in the morning by getting some stuff we need.  Our PCP finally called in a muscle relaxer today so tomorrow, again, Theresa will take me over to get that.

Sometimes, I think, my family is about as dysfunctional as they come.  We fight.  We argue.  We go days without talking to each other.  We say things about each other that we really do not mean.  You would think at times, we hate each other.  But, when it gets down to brass tacks, we are there for each other.  We always have been and I pray, we always will be.  We don't always agree with each other.  But, we love each other fully. 

Family is important.  They are the ones that teach us to be a friend and an enemy.  They are the ones we rely one, whether we realize it or not.  We are the ones that get in trouble with each other and cover each others butts.  We celebrate the good times and hold each other in the bad times.  We know when each other is being honest, and when we aren't being so honest.  We accept each other as we are.  We do not try to change each other.  We love each other, faults and all, through the good and the bad.  We're family.  It's what we do.  It's who we are.

Being the 'baby' of the family has its advantages.  It also has its disadvantages.  Sometimes more disadvantages than advantages.  The 'baby' is protected by the older siblings.  This can be a good thing, and it can be a bad thing.  One thing is for sure; my older siblings will never know how much I love each of them.  They will never know how much I appreciate them.  They may have an idea.  But, they will never fully know how deep my love for each one of them goes.  Sometimes, I don't think I realize how deep that love is.  You can tell your family you love them, you can show how much you love them, but honestly, they will never know the full extent of that love.

One thing is for certain, there is nothing I wouldn't do for any one of my brothers and sisters.  If it is within my power, I will be there for them.  They are my life.  They are my being.  And I love each one of them deeply.  I hope they know this.  I hope they know how much I appreciate everything they have done for me and James the last few days.  I hope they know that I will never repay them, but I will never forget what they have done.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Heart Health: Smoking

I was looking back at all I have done for a “Year of Heart Health” and I have touched on this subject but not really dug into it.  It’s a bit touchy for some.  Some have really strong feelings about smoking and others just don’t care.  You either love it or hate it.   

I am a smoker.  I quit once for almost 5 years, but I got a case of stupid and started smoking again.  It’s true what they say, that if you have stopped smoking and start back, you’ll smoke more and it’s harder to quit again.  When I quit the last time it really wasn’t that hard.  Not so much this time.  It’s been difficult.  Maybe it’s because I have more stress in my life now.  Maybe it’s because I’m bored.  Maybe it’s because other people smoke around me.  Maybe….it’s an excuse to not stop. 

As with any drug and yes, nicotine is a drug, there is a reason why you do it.  Once you find out that reason, it’s a little easier to stop.  I knew why I had started smoking in the first time, so that made it easier to stop.  Why did I start again?  That remains a mystery.  I’m not sure.  I remember when, I remember who it was that gave me that cigarette; I remember where I was at and what I was doing.  I do not remember why.

So how does smoking affect the heart? Smoking causes a buildup of fatty stuff in your arteries.  This is called Atherosclerosis.   This occurs when the normal lining of the arteries deteriorate, the walls of the arteries become thick and fatty deposits and plaque block the blood flow.  Your arteries become narrow, which decreases the supply of blood to the heart, which decreases the oxygen to the heart, which puts more strain on your heart, which can lead to a heart attack.  MAN!  That was a mouth full!  Smoking also decreases HDL (good cholesterol) and increases blood pressure and heart rate.

It’s good to not smoke.

I’ve been taking Chantix to help me stop smoking and I must admit it has helped me a great deal!  In 12 days, I have went from 3 packs a day down to 1 (sometime ½) packs a day!  There are a whole bunch of side effects with taking Chantix.  I cannot stress this enough:  TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY!  They are not put on the packaging for you to entertain yourself while in the bathroom.  

The one thing I was looking out for is Chantix can cause a heart attack.  Having already had two of them, I did not want a third.  I expected some edginess, crankiness, and shortness, but I did not expect the hostility, anger, aggression and other negative feelings I was having and unable to control.  I felt like I was on the edge of losing it all the time.  I wanted to yell at people and I wasn’t holding my thoughts back, either.  Everything I thought, somehow, came out of my mouth.  I could not control it.  It was becoming dangerous, not just for others, but for me as well.  One time, I thought about getting my hubby’s pellet gun and shooting him with it!  Why?  No idea.  It was almost impulsive and I had to talk myself out of it.  I did a lot of talking.  I love my husband very much and why I wanted to harm him, I still have no idea.  My logic tells me I need therapy.

So, I am now taking a 1mg daily, and a 1mg every other night.  We'll see how that works out.  I'm not feeling as hostile as I was, so that in and of itself is an improvement.

I can say I am breathing better.  I feel better overall.  My house smells better because there is no smoking in the house now.  It’s a bit of an inconvenience to stop whatever it is you are doing to go outside to smoke.  Hubby has a slight problem doing this.  He attempts to guilt me into letting him smoke inside.  He’ll say, “Guess I’ll go OUTside to smoke.”  Then, look at me as if to say, ‘Please can I smoke inside?”  I just smile and say, “Okay”.  Yes, I am standing my ground on this.  My sister won’t come to see me because she can’t smoke in the house.  Oh well.  My health is more important than she is.  And it’s not that I am becoming ‘one of those people’.  Right now, the smell of cigarette smoke makes me sick.  A side effect of the Chantix.  One day, I’m sure, it won’t bother me.  Then again, it might.  I don’t know.  I just know that right now, not smoking in the house is helping me.  Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier if hubby didn’t smoke. 

I know I am making my heart happy and healthy by not smoking, or as of now, not smoking as much.  I know by not smoking I will live a longer life.  If you haven’t stopped smoking, maybe you should look into it.  Again, not going to become one of those people.  But, it will make you healthier, happier, you will breath better and because your heart is getting the much needed oxygen rich blood, your heart will be better.  Your lungs will clear up; your sinus’ will improve.  That cough you have…it will go away.  Your life and your health will improve.  And, you will be proud of you.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sausage Stuffed Biscuits

I'm not feeling quiet like myself today.  Been a little sick to my stomach...so yeah, I'm still in my PJ's at 3pm!    I think a lot of how I am feeling has to do with the Chantix.  I am smoking less everyday.  The taste of cigarettes and the smoke just make me want to.....I'll be nice, be sick.  I get that welcome break between 1:20pm and 10:20pm when hubby is at work and he's not here smoking.  I try to de-smoke the house during that time.  I didn't today.

Last night I had my first real vivid dream (Chantix will cause this).  I felt like I was in a Jimmy Hendrix music video!!!  All the pretty colors swirling around me.  I was waiting on the white daisy's to fall.  It didn't happen.  Those dreams I don't mind so much.  It's the murder, mayhem and snake dreams that really cause me to panic!  Thank God it wasn't THAT vivid.  Otherwise, I'm not sure I'd still be taking the medication.

It rained this morning.  Heard a little thunder.  It was so nice, so relaxing.  So ready for Fall to be here.  That may have contributed to the fact that I'm still in the PJ's.  It's just been a real lazy day.

We have to go to Oklahoma City in the morning.  I have an eye appointment with the Retinal Specialist at 9:30am.  Which means I have to be up around 4am, and we have to leave no later than 6:30am!  Normally, I am on top of trip planning.  Normally.  Not today.

Hubby woke me up at 7am.  I told him to do that so I could go to bed early and get a little sleep before the alarms blares at 4am!  I got my coffee and came to the living room to sit down and realized we had no food to take with us tomorrow!!  I got up, ran out the door (hubby was taking son to school) and up to the passenger back door and opened it.  I figured hubby would hear the door open.  NO!  He began to back out of the drive with me half way in the car!  I yelled, "WHOA!!!"  And of course, he stopped rather quickly and proceeded to tell me I scared him to death and that his heart was now racing 100 MPH!!!  My son laughed.  So did I.

I gave hubby instructions on what to get and came inside.  I do not, I repeat, DO NOT do mornings.  I never have.  I never will.  There is not enough coffee in the world to get me motivated before 10am.  I knew today would suck!!

I thought about tomorrow's trip.  Four in the morning is just too early to eat anything.  So, I needed to find something already in the house I could make, pack up and take with us tomorrow so we could have some breakfast.  I did a little research and took a lot of information and came up with my own version of a take with breakfast.  I wasn't sure how this would turn out, but how can you mess up biscuits, sausage and cheese?  Believe me, I could.

I was amazed at how easy and fast these were to make.  And they taste great, too!  Easy, portable and you could use bacon, ham, pepperoni or other meat in place of the sausage.

Sausage Stuffed Biscuits
Makes 20 biscuits

1/2 pound sage sausage
1 cup cheese
2 cans (10 count) buttermilk biscuits
1 mini muffin pan

Brown sausage in a skillet until no pink is left, then cook another 5-10 minutes on medium heat.  Drain and place in a bowl.  Add the cheese and stir to mix.
Open biscuits and one by one, roll/flatten with a rolling pin.  Scoop a teaspoon of sausage mixture and place in the center of the biscuit.  Bring all the side together and place in the muffin pan.
Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Place pan inside oven and cook for 8 minutes.  (Oven temps vary)  Remove from oven and let cool.  You can eat as is, with gravy or add some scrambled eggs.

They are great for on the go.  Can be made the night before and placed in microwave for a few seconds to heat.  I have breakfast....now for lunch.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

NOTE:  I have no photos of this recipe!  They were gone before I could get the camera.  They were really pretty, too.

I had never had a portobello mushroom until I met my husband.  I had never heard of a portabello mushroom until I met my husband.  I had a super hard craving for some last night and decided tonight I'd broil some for dinner.  You can also grill these and they are super good.

Stuffed Portobello Mushroom Burgers
Serves 3

1-3 pack of portobello mushrooms
4 button mushrooms
1/2 small red onion, diced
1/2 large tomato, diced
1/2 cup Oily Italian Dressing
3-4 strips of bacon, diced
Provolone Cheese
hamburger bun
Salt and pepper

Clean your mushrooms.  In a shallow bowl, pour the oily Italian dressing.  Brush portobello mushrooms with the dressing and let the mushrooms sit in oil for 30 minutes.

Dice your 4 button mushrooms, tomato and onion (MTO), mix together, add a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper.  Dice the bacon and fry until crisp in a skillet.  Add to the MTO mixture.

Spray a broiler pan with cooking spray.  Take the mushroom, tomato, and onion mixture and top the portobello's.  Top with the provolone cheese.  Place under the broiler for 5-10 minutes or until cheese is melted, OR place in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Take the remaining red onion and button mushrooms and slice, saute in bacon grease until the onion is soft, add the mushrooms, and turn off the heat.  Mix together in a bowl and add what is left of the oily Italian dressing.

Take the hamburger buns, add the stuffed mushroom, top with sauteed onion and mushrooms.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Final Year

I'm a little sentimental this morning.  My son and husband would just say "mental", but I disagree!  School started back today and it is my son's final year in high school.  How can I not be 'mental'?  My son was making fun of me this morning.  "Ohhhh, boo-hooo, booo-hooooo!!!"  I wasn't crying...much.

My son and I have been on a journey.  He has Asperger's Syndrome.  That is a form of Autism.  He is very smart, and, very OCD.  He has had his share of 'melt downs' and he has his way of doing things that may or may not be the way it should be done, but it gets done, nonetheless. He has a huge heart and feels that every one has some good in them.  I tell him he's delusional!  He tells me I'm too cynical.

At a very young age, I 'knew' something was not quiet right with him.  It was years later I finally got a diagnoses and it was devastating for me.  For a while, he tried to use this to his advantage.  One day I sat him down and told him he could be anything he wanted.  He didn't have to use this as a crutch.  I was 'advised' to get an IEP from the school.  I knew from my own education that would follow him forever.  I did not want my son growing up with this hanging over his head.  I knew he could be more!  So, we worked on things.  Counseling only made things worse.  So, I stopped it.  I know my son better than anyone.  I know his potential.

I was hard on him.  Not abusive, hard.  I made him study.  I told him, "You can do this!  We'll do it together."  I remember nights when I was in college he would stay up and listen to me read my college text books.  He soaked it all in.  He even helped ME with homework.   And it has paid off.  He has been on the Honor Roll since 7th grade.  He was in band for a while.  He has a 4.00 GPA!  He's in Upward Bound, Oklahoma Promise and GearUp!

He is taking TRIG and PHYSICS, for crying out loud!!!

I remember last Christmas, the day after I had my heart attack.  He walked into ICU and there was so much fear in his eyes.  It about broke me.  He stood there, looking at me.  I said to him, "Hey, I'm okay.  I'm OKAY!"  He came over to the bed and hugged me so hard.  And I hugged him back just as hard.  We both cried.

My son and I have been down almost every road anyone can imagine.  We have fought together, cried together, had long heart-to-heart talks. We have been mad at each other and happy.  We have a relationship of respect, love and admiration. He knows and understand I am the parent and he is the child.  He is my baby.  And he always will be.

My prayer for my son is he has the best year of his life.  That he learns and makes loads of new friends and embraces old friends.  Next Fall, he will be off to college.  He wants to be an Engineer.  He can do it. I know he can.  And, he knows he can.

Yeah, I was a little teary eyed this morning.  And when he walks down to his seat in May and walks across that stage to get his diploma, I'll be there, cheering the loudest!  With tears in my eyes.

Monday, August 5, 2013

No Smoking

I've not done much DIYing, crafting, sewing, cooking, or anything the last few months.  Since my eye began to bleed, it's just really hard to see things right now.  I spent a few weeks in a depressed state of mind over this eye problem.  Then decided that was enough.  The doctor gave me some Chantix to take to stop smoking about a month and a half ago.  I've been hesitant to start it.  Mainly because of my state of mind.  Apparently, Chantix can cause depression, mood changes, homicidal and suicidal thoughts.  Not something one would begin when in a depressed state to begin with. 

So, I started Chantix yesterday morning.  I was okay until about late afternoon, early evening.  I began to cry at the smallest things, shows/movies on the TV, I ever cried at Walmart last night!  The biggest effect is I've been up since yesterday.  I feel like I took a big hit of speed!  I'm wired so much, it's crazy.  Plus, the headache and every time I light up and take a drag, I feel like I'm gonna be sick!

I have hope that this will work this time.  Say a prayer for me.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Dog Days of Summer

It's August and it's HOT!  Compared to the last two years, this summer has been rather mild.  But it's still hot.  We have two cars, one has an AC, the other doesn't.    The one with the AC decided to quit (it needs a new battery) and Mr. Crafter has been driving the one with no AC.  Having had 6 bouts of heat exhaustion, he doesn't do the heat well.

Another thing that comes with the 'Dog Days of Summer' is in Oklahoma, school begins.  This will be, for me, a somewhat hard year!  My youngest will be graduating in May...9 months from now.  This will be full of memory-making opportunities for him....and me.  I was an emotional mess when my daughter graduated.  I can't imagine how I'll be with my son.  He has decided to attend a local college for two years, so he will still be living at home.  That (I hope) will soften the blow.   He and I have decided to improve our lives by losing a little weight, not smoking (ME) and moving more than we have been.  I pray together we can improve our future health-wise.

The fun thing about August is Fall is right around the corner.  I love Fall.  I mean, I REALLY love Fall!  The temps are perfect.  The colors are gorgeous!  The feel of the air is welcoming.  I get to start putting out Fall decorations.  It, to me, is the BEST time of the year.  With Fall comes my wedding anniversary.  We will be married this year 4 years!  Not a long time, I realize that, but it seems like we've been together forever.  Yeah, we're THAT comfortable with each other.

August also brings us FOOTBALL!  I so am ready for some football.  Mr. Crafter is not a football fan, but he gets a 'kick' out of watching me yell at the TV.

August brings us so many things.  It's (almost) the end of summer, Fall comes into our lives and shortly after, the Holidays.  The Earth goes through a quiet time.  It's time to sit back, relax and reflect on the year, and the rest of the year.

In August, around here, we start doing crafty things for Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It's a time for our family to gather together, break out the fabric, sewing machine, glue, and such and get busy.  It's a time to get the summer 'feel' out of the house, and bring in the relaxing colors of Earth.

What is your favorite thing about August?  What do you do in August to prepare for the rest of the year?  Let me know.