Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Pretty vs. Functional

Is it better to have something pretty or functional...or both?  What if you can't have both?  You have to choose....pretty or functional?

When I was younger, I would have said, hands down, PRETTY!  However, as I have grown older and wiser, I have learned that sometimes pretty is not always best.  Sometime functionality is best.  And, what you can afford.

Take, for example, a washing machine.  It is a functional thing.  However, if the machine stops working, it is not functional any longer.  Or is it?  We had a washing machine and it worked great, until one day, I walked into the laundry room and into a puddle of water!  The water pump had stopped functioning. A pretty easy fix, but this was my excuse to get another one.  We have replaced this machine with a 'new to us' washing machine.

The old washing machine has set on our back porch for a couple of years.  We wanted to get us a new fire pit, but the bathroom and laundry room remodel took that money we set aside and then some.  So, I had to figure out how to get us a fire pit.  James and I love to sit outside on cool nights and just fire up the pit and relax.  We have our best conversations doing this.  We get our best ideas sitting watching the flames flicker in the darkness.  It's quiet.  It's just us.  We connect and reconnect with each other.  I had to get us a fire pit.  Our marriage depended on this!!!

While researching fire pits one day, I came across some photos on a Google search using a old washing machine tub.  BINGO!  I had the old washing machine, FREEEEEE! and my marriage has been saved!  Or was it?

Yesterday, I asked James if he could possibly get the tub out of the machine so we could see how this would work, if indeed, it even would work.  It took some loud bangs.  It caused some cursing.  But, in the end, James and SIL got the tub out.  It was covered in plastic, which no one could get off. So, they threw it in a fire...a very HOT fire of years old tree trunks that were burning.  I almost cried.  I just KNEW my tub, my fire pit would melt.  I held my breath.  And after about 45 minutes, James took it (carefully) out of the hot fire (using a long metal pole) and it was still in tack!  I was happy.

Part 2
Today, I was sitting outside under the gazebo trying to figure out where to put all these pieces of wood we use as fire starter for the pit.  We had them in buckets, cans, milk crates, anything that we could find to put the sticks in.   I looked at James and said, "I sure wished I had a big bucket....." and then it came to me.

Last year, we bought some chickens.  We also bought a chicken coop to keep the baby chickens in until they got big enough to not be in that little coop.  And, it has sat outside since.  My idea: we put the sticks INSIDE the coop, set it beside the fire pit and it was perfect!

Is it pretty?  Is it functional?  Is it FREE?  No, it's not that pretty.  Yes, it is functional and yes, it cost me nothing...except time.  Sometimes having something that is free and functional is a lot better than spending thousands of dollars you don't have on something that is just pretty and won't last as long.  After James threw the tub into that burning hotter than ____ fire, I knew that washing machine tub would last for a long time.  We took some cinder blocks, made a half circle and place the WM tub fire pit in the middle.  We still need to get some high heat paint to paint it, but at night, this thing is gorgeous!!!

I love the little heart on the coop!

Is it redneck?  It sure is.  But I love it.  It is so pretty at night.  And, my marriage has been saved.  That is a win-win...hands down!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Country Garden Arbor

As you may have read in an earlier post, we constructed this arbor using lattice from my sister's old porch and some left over 1x2's.  I wanted to put on a door.  This door is not just any old door we found.  This door was part of our home for many years.

The door was hanging in the North bedroom of our home, just off the dinning room.  But, as a french door, offered not much privacy for a bedroom.  So, it has been in the barn for a few years.  My son stuck the door inside a big black trash bag and with a light tap of a hammer, broke out all the glass in the door making it a little lighter.

We then took a 'shopping' trip to my dad's barn to get some old hinges and hung the door.  I think it looks amazing.  This Fall, James and I will move that rose bush back and hopefully, next Spring/Summer the rose bush will begin to grow over the arbor.

Eventually, a path will be installed from the door to the day lilies that sit at the end of the path.  I am trying to figure out how to make the path go around and meet with the new path we put in last weekend.

This path will have a long tunnel-like arbor (if we can figure out how) with some kind of vine growing over and along.  So, when you walk threw the pathway, you will be in a scented tunnel of sorts. That was James' idea, and I LOVE IT!

The North Garden is coming along pretty good.  Slow progress/process, but I feel that in the last 3-4 years, James and I have created a wonderful oasis to enjoy year round.

What have you created in your gardens?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Depression After a Heart Attack

It's been a while since I last posted about my heart attack.  Today, however, I would like to address one aspect of having a heart attack-depression.

Not everyone who has ever had a heart attack will experience depression.  Some will experience it right after having one, others may not experience it until months later.  Either way, it is a 'condition' and it should be dealt with as quickly as possible.

I remember my first visit with my Cardiologist after my heart attack.  He asked me if I was depressed.  I told him, I had been but I'd 'gotten over it'.  I think I might have either, 1. been in denial, or 2. didn't realize I was. 

The other night, while getting ready for bed, taking my cock tail of nightly medication, I began to cry.  WHY?  No clue.  I'd been doing that a LOT lately.  And, I think it totally freaked James out!  He had no clue why I just broke out in a blubbering-tear soaked-crying fest.  He asked me in a panic stricken voice, "Babe, what is wrong?"  Well, I didn't know WHAT was wrong, so I cried even harder.

The next day, as I was working out in my garden, I thought about my crying fest the night before.  And, I got mad!  I realized I hate having to take all the medications I am taking...ev-er-y-day!!!!  It gets old after a while.  I also realized that I push myself, I can't say, "NO" to anyone, and I have been running on empty so I do not have those crying 'spells'.  I know the medication keeps my blood flowing freely, keeps blood clots from forming in my newly open arteries, and is helping to rid my body of the over abundance of cholesterol that is causing my arteries to become blocked. But, I DESPISE having to take all the medication!!  I hate the fact that I am a control freak (yes, I said it..it's out there), I hate that my brain 'thinks'. I hate putting on a smile on my face for everyone and pretending I am happy and 'okay', and I-hate-crying!

With this realization came the depression.  I have fought it, I have researched it and it would be so easy for me to  just say, "Ya know, I quit!" and go into the depression that would end all depression.  People who have never experienced a heart attack don't understand the toll it takes, not only on the body, but on the mind, as well.  I can't do the things I 'used to do', it takes me three times longer to do most of my daily chores.  I get tired a lot more easily now.  It's hard to explain to family and friends how it feels.  It's hard when they expect you to be 'just like before' and you know you can't, but you try.  It's hard to explain why you take a nap in the afternoon.  It's hard when family and friends accuse you of being 'lazy' and 'sleeping all day'.  This just adds to the depression.

So, instead of adding another pill to my long list of pills I take (and hating that fact, no less), I have been praying, reading positive, up-lifting books and articles, and listening to positive music.  I have been learning to say, "No" and  when I am tired, I rest.  If family and friends can't understand it, that is their problem, not mine anymore.  I am learning to let go of the control and letting other people take over.  I 'm not afraid, anymore, if I am having a bad day, to express that I am having a bad day.  If I don't want 'company', I say, "Sorry, I would love a visit, but today just isn't a good day for me" and leave it at that.  I do not owe anyone an explanation of my emotions.  And, neither do you!

Yes, having a heart attack is a life changing event.  And, yes, depression is a major aspect of having a heart attack, just as is fear of having another one and dying!  People will not understand the life style changes you have to make. They will not understand why you are always so tired.  You can tell them having a heart attack damaged the heart, the one thing needed to stay alive.  It's like breaking a bone, it doesn't heal over night and having a heart attack will not heal over night.  It can take months or years to fully recover.  You won't be the same person again.  You won't be able to do the things you 'used' to do.  And it is frustrating at best. 

A few things you can do is to know you will never be the same again, you will need to rest, and you will feel sad.  If you are having trouble dealing with these emotional issues, talk to your health care team, join a support group and seek help.  It is better to 'talk it out' than to hold on to the emotions and risk another heart attack.  And you will encounter those who just don't get it.  It's okay.  You owe them nothing.  You are number one, your health is priority.  If they ask you to do something, and you don't wanna do it, or you just don't feel like it, tell them.  They will get over it.  And if not, you don't need them in your life.  It's okay to feel angry and not know why.  It's okay to feel sad and not know why.  These are normal emotions. 

Go outside and soak in some sunshine.  Take a walk with a loved one.  Stop and smell the flowers.  Enjoy life.  You have been given a second chance.  Don't screw it up!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Manic Monday

Have you heard the saying "Sore muscles equals happy pain"?  I don't know who coined this phrase, but they really need to be slapped and slapped HARD!!

We worked in the North Garden again this weekend.  We're trying to get the pathways laid out so people will stop stepping on my flowers and plants.  We were going to do it last weekend, but the fuel line to the tiller broke.  So, we got a new fuel line, got about a foot into it and the spark plug 'blew'.  You know you are a die hard gardener when you say, "Shovels" and begin to dig!

You can see we used 12x12x2 pavers to lay our path.  Only because that's what we have and that's what we used.  SO, it cost me nothing....except sore muscles!!

You can see it better in the photo below....and the POS tiller in the back ground.

I love how it curves around the rose garden and to the area that will eventually slope down and not just end, so it will continue out into the back yard.

We also worked on our water feature, getting it cleaned out and readjusted.  Some cool night time photos of the waterfall!!  LOVE IT!!  My wonderful husband built this 4, almost 5 years ago for our wedding reception. 

 It actually lights up like this at night...so pretty!!!

Me, hubby and the kids went all over the area looking for large river rock to create this gem in our garden.  I loved it then, and I still love it.  It is what makes this garden, home! 

Of course, Miss Lyla came to help out Nana and Papa in the garden.

 She is getting so big!  And such a big helper, too. 

 She just HAD to pick a petunia! She loves it out in Nana and Papa's garden.  Next year, she gets to pick her own flower for the garden.

She really loved the roses.

Manic Monday, Sore Muscles Monday, whatever you call it, it's Monday.  Hope your Monday is going great.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Saying "Good-Bye" to Dianna

It's not everyday in a person's life you come across someone that when you first meet, you just 'click'.  In fact, in today's world, that is rare.  There is a saying that goes, "People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime".  In life's humor, you never know which it will be, a reason, a season, or a lifetime. 
In April of last year, my doctor thought I had had a stroke.  After two days of testing, come to find out, the L4, and L5 (lower back) disks were 'bulging'.  I decided to try a Chiropractor to see if that would help.  It has. 
When I came into the office that morning, there behind the counter was this beautiful, happy receptionist.  We clicked immediately.  And a unknown relationship began. 
I found out a few months ago, that she is leaving, moving to Alaska, to be with her soon-to-be husband.  My heart sank.  Not only was I losing a wonderful friend, I was going to have to break in a new receptionist!!  We have been counting down the days to her leaving us.  And, next week, she will be on her way to a new life.

Today at the office, we had a little 'going away' party for Dianna.  She is happy to be embarking on this journey, and sad that she is leaving us, all her friends and family behind.  This is understandable and expected.  It was hard to be happy, and to hold the tears back.  In true fashion, she wore black scrubs today. 
I want to tell her so many things. Share so many of life's events with her.  Yet, sometimes when it comes to matters of the heart, words fail us.  By nature, I am a very selfish person.  When I find something or someone good, I want to hold on for as long as I can.  However, as with our children, there comes a time when you have to let them go.  No, Dianna is not my 'child', although, most of the time, James and I feel as if she is.  So, to Dianna, we say this:

You are a beautiful, special, and wonderful lady!  A year ago, when James and I walked into the Sallisaw Chiropractic Clinic, little did we think we would meet a friend, let alone anyone we would consider family.  Yes, this is the end of your life here in Oklahoma.  But, tomorrow is the beginning of a new day.  A new chapter.  A new journey in a new State.  You will be fine.  You will make new friends.  You are doing what most people dream of doing; starting over.   How exciting is that?  How we envy you.  On the way home today, I looked over at James and he said, "Damn, I'm gonna miss her!"  It's not often James gets teary eyed, but today, he did.  You have made the last year so special.  You have brought so much happiness into our lives. You are loved by so many.  You will be missed dearly.  Things will not be the same at the clinic, or in mine and James' visits or our lives.  I'm sure the new girl will do a great job.  But, the atmosphere of the clinic just won't be the same.  Yet, we can rest easy knowing you are following a dream.  You are beginning a new chapter in your life.
I use the word "chapter" because I see life as a really long book, divided into chapters.  Each chapter a building block, raising you higher and higher.  Remember that each time you start something, or embark on a new journey, you are being raised higher and higher.  Each time a chapter begins means you have full filled a dream.  Dianna, You are not a 'reason', or a 'season'...Dianna, you are a 'lifetime'.  We love you and as sad as it is that you are leaving us, and knowing how much we are going to miss you, we are so happy and so proud of you.  Our lives are so much better and richer knowing you are a part of us.  As you head into your new life, remember we are here, sweating our you-know-what's off this summer! :)  We love you, we will miss you, but, we are blessed to have you be a part of our lives for a lifetime.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Product Promo

NOTE: I am NOT being PAID to discuss this product, nor am I being PAID to promote this product!    (Although, it would be nice)

Have you ever heard of this stuff????  I had never heard of it before my brother suggested I use it to clean my windows and mirrors.  I bought one can the other day at the Dollar Store for like $3 bucks!

This stuff is A-MAZ-ING!!!  As a smoker and being married to a smoker, AND, having family members that smoke, the nicotine coat the windows and it is HARD to get off the windows.  I use Grease Lightening on my walls and if you haven't tired that yet, you need to..it works!  Anyway, I used it the other night on our bathroom mirror.  Was fairly impressed, but the mirror is NEW, so not a real test.

I had tried the vinegar and water with Dawn to clean my front windows and it smeared and streaked, and just looked horrible.  I took the water hose, squirted some Dawn on the windows and sprayed them down.  That just left me with a LOT of soap bubbles and MORE yuck on my windows.

SO, I was at the Dollar Store the other day, and looked to see if they had the Invisible Glass and they did. I bought a can of it and it has been sitting on my coffee table in the living room for a few days.  I decided today, since it was a bit cloudy, to try it.  I wished I had taken photos, but I didn't (sorry, I really didn't think it would work).  My windows look amazing!!  The dirt, nicotine, soap scum (from the Dawn), grease, and bird droppings just disappeared before my eyes.  Took a paper towel and cleaned the windows and I am (yes, again) AMAZED!!!  Sprayed the window again (to make sure I got it all), wiped it down, then ran out the door to do the outside.  IT actually looks INVISIBLE!!! 

I have a old pie safe I got from my Mother, that belonged to my Great Grand Mother that our TV sits on and inside are all our DVDs.  It has glass in the doors and again, no matter what I did or used, I could NEVER get them clean...enough. 

After doing the windows, I came inside and did the pie safe and I must say, those glass doors have NEVER been so clean!!!  This stuff also works great on picture frame glass!!!  And, I have my Mother's Grandmother clock, that has a glass front and it is now INVISIBLE!!!  I am on a Invisible Glass cleaning spree today!

Seriously, if you haven't tried this, TRY IT!  It is amazing!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Slow. Blogging. Week.

How was YOUR weekend?

Ours was BUSY!!!  We finished up the bathroom and laundry trim and it looks so good.  I am MORE than happy with it.  We also did some shopping, and cleaning of the North Garden. We also planted MORE flowers; hosta's, phlox, among others.  The mini rose bushes are full of blooms.  So excited to see it all in full bloom.  Saturday night, to decompress from the day, James and I went outside and fired up the pit!  It was very relaxing.

Sunday, we did more work in the yard, mowing, trimming, planting even more flower bulbs, moving things around and we kicked off grilling season!  We grilled pork ribs, pork loin, and hot dogs for the kids.  We had my dad, and his care-giver, Steve, my sister and her oldest daughter, and her four children, and my sister's youngest daughter here for dinner.  We also made a huge potato salad and Cole slaw, rolls, cake and ice cream!  Good times around the dinning room table.

We have been experiencing a surge in temperature's here in Oklahoma.  One day we are in the 80's, and a few days later, we're in the 50's.  As the saying goes, "Stick around long enough and the weather WILL change."  We are also in our 'stormy' season.  Which means, tornado's.  Not the best thing Mother Nature has created, but we deal with it.

I have been working on one thing for the North Garden; Fairy Homes!  Every garden needs a place for the fairies to live!  As soon as they are completed, I will post them and how I did it.  So far, I've hit a rough spot on the design.  We are very limited on fairy items around here.  A trip to the river is in order but that might have to wait until the storms we have this week pass.

Saturday night, while James and I were relaxing by the fire pit, I took some photos.  James and I loved them so much, we decided to pick out a few, and have them put on some canvas' to hang in the laundry room.  Since it's a slow blogging week, I thought I might share some with you.  James and I hope you have a great week and remember, take time to enjoy life.

All these photo's will hang in our laundry and bathroom.  I think some of these are just too awesome to hide.  :)

Have a great week!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Is It About a Garden

What is it about a flower garden that makes people smile, brightens their day and just makes their heart soar?  Unless you are a hard core flower hater and I don't know anyone who is, seeing a garden full of bright, cheery blooms just makes you take a deep breath and relax.  No worries.  No problems.  Just pure bliss! 

When I moved into my grandparents home in 2001, the North side of the house was horrible!  Every time it rained, the North bedroom would flood.  So, we brought in some dirt...top soil...or so we thought.  We paid for top soil, but what we got was the dirt used to build roads...packing dirt!  I planted a few flowers and they died.  So, when I met my husband, who just happened to know a thing or two about landscaping (SCORE!) and I was telling him about the dirt, he laughed and said, "Well, I'll see what I can do."   We went to my parents, got their HUGE tiller and went to work tilling the dirt.  That was a JOKE!  The tiller wouldn't even touch it!  We put the water hoses on it for 4 days...went back and only got down about 2 inches.  I was devastated!

But, my hubby, being the kind  of man that will not let dirt beat him, went to work.  In the back of the house, we have a 'worm farm'.  Not by choice, but that's what it is.  HUGE, big, yucky earth worms.  He and the kids dug worms and tossed them over in the packing dirt.  And, we waited.  Those little guys went to work immediately!  By the time Fall rolled around, we were able to plant some nice flowers for our wedding reception.  I was happy.

Fast forward four years later, and I am  amazed at what has transformed in our North Garden!!!   There was a day or tiger lily on the South side of the house my grandmother had planted that was about to take over the foundation of the house.  We dug it up, divided it out and planted the lilies in the North Garden.  We started out with one plant and we now have about 30 tiger/day lilies in the garden and they are HUGE.  Every summer we have a sea of orange and black lilies swaying in the summer breeze.

My hubby is a lover of roses.  We had been dating for about 3 months when he and I went shopping.  We decided to go look at the Garden Center and there, in the middle of all the flowers and plants was this little yellow rose bush.  The only one that actually smelled like a rose and of course, there was this man looking at it too.  I rushed over and grabbed that rose bush and took her home.  My hubby planted it by our front door and now she is almost as tall as I am (5'5"), and she produces yellow roses all summer long.  The next year, we bought 2 mini rose bushes and planted them in the North Garden.  They have done okay, but not as well as I had hoped.

We built a waterfall and a pond in the North Garden.  This yeas, we decided having TWO water features so close together was too much.  They competed for center attention.  SO, we kept the waterfall, and filled in the pond.  In this pond, we now have all the mini rose bushes, some ornamental lilies, and right in the center, an Azalea that was given to my hubby and some of his co-workers for a "job well done".  I am hoping the mini rose bushes will do better this year since they are now in soil and not packing dirt.

HUGE frog fan I am!!!

 My hubby is also a lover of Tulips!  I would say Tulips are his favorite.  Last year, we bought a couple bags of bulbs and planted them.  I always thought tulips were a one time thing.  But, they decided to stick around and as you can see, they are in full bloom!!!

 We had planted a lot of different plants around our waterfall and last year's summer heat killed most of them.  About the only thing that is attempting a come back are hostas, and tickweed.  Everything else died. We bought some pansies, and a couple other plants for some color in that particular area.  And, it is looking a lot better.


 This is the entrance to the North Garden.  You can see way in the back there our canopy, where we can sit and look out over the North Garden and into the back yard and wooded area. This photo was taken long before we got the garden cleaned up, so ignore that trash and accept my apologies!!!  Anywho, right beside the arbor is another rose bush.  We need to move it back about 2 feet so it will grow OVER the arbor and not over my Maple tree...or car!   We built this last year when the one we did have, from our wedding fell over and crashed!

We have more work to do in the garden.  But, when is a garden ever "done"?  We even had one person tell us to "stop planting flowers".  REALLY???  Stop planting flowers??  There are paths to create, there is a world of different varieties of flowers I have yet to buy.  Gardening is a trial and error thing...if you can call it a 'thing'.  No, I will never stop planting flowers in the North Garden or in any of our (future) gardens.

To answer the question above, I am not sure what it is about a flower garden that just makes a person go into total relaxed mode.  When I am feeling overwhelmed by everyday life events, I can go out into my garden and everything just disappears.  Maybe it's the colors of the flowers, the green of the grass, the pathways that may or may not lead somewhere special.  Maybe it's the butterflies and humming birds.  Maybe, just maybe, it's the love you feel.  You can not create a garden and not have love.  When you plant your flowers, you do it with love in your hands and in your heart.  And the flowers know this.  (Call me crazy, I don't care!)  And when the flowers feel the love, they reward you with showers of colorful blooms that say, "I'm here for YOU".  I don't know what it is about flower gardens that cause's a person to go into total bliss.  I do know that whatever it is, it's great! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Joint Compound Art

What do you do when you have left over plywood and joint compound?  You make art!!

Do an Internet search for "joint compound art" and you will find a few how-to's that will show you how to do this.  I had left over plywood, and wanted/needed some art for the bath and laundry rooms.

 So, I got out some of the left over plywood and the joint compound and went to work.  I first sanded the plywood.  Not too much.  I wanted the dings and dents in it, but not the splinters.  Then, I applied a thick coat of joint compound and smoothed it out.  I then gathered up some lids, doilies, tooth picks, lace, and any other thing I thought I might use.  While the joint compound is still wet, I went to work; basically drawing in the joint compound.

Then, I let it dry over night.  The next day, I got out my paints, and watered down some AP glue (I was out of gel medium and modge podge).  I got me some old rags and paint brushes and starred at the plywood for a bit.  Picked out my paints and went to work. First, I coated the entire board with a metallic bronze, took my rag and wiped it off, lightly.  Then, I took my yellow and painted in the petals of the flowers and wiped it off, lightly.  Filled in the stems and the sun, and wiped it off.  Then, I just picked out some bright paint colors and painted in certain areas and lightly wiped off and blended.   After each application of paint, I took my rags and wiped off the paint.  Then, I brushed on the watered down AP glue.  Once I was satisfied, I applied the watered down AP glue to the entire board and let it dry.

In my search, I found that most used a canvas or card/poster board.  I didn't want to buy those things when I had perfectly good left over plywood.  I don't think it altered the look by using plywood.  Now the problem is ...which room to hang it in!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Brand New "Rooms of Doom"

We are, for the most part, finished with the remodel.  Still have a few minor odds and ends to complete but overall, it's a functioning bathroom and laundry room.

To update everyone, our floor in the laundry room, which is adjacent to the bathroom, fell in with a little help from our son.  It had to come out.  The bathroom was a breeding ground for mold, so it had to be terminated and fast.  We pulled down the walls, took up the floors and replaced everything.

A few 'before' shots of the laundry and bath.

So ugly and a pain to clean.

Part of the laundry room floor, where our son fell through.

The Moldy bathtub

The "I"m never coming out" vanity!

We did both rooms in NINE (9) days!!  Yes, you read that right, NINE DAYS!  Nine very long, very aggravating, very stressful days!  There were a few times I just knew for sure James and I would end our wonderful marriage over this.  But, we stopped, thought and worked it all out. :)  There was a lot of 'hurry up and wait' moments, a lot of 'how the hell did this happen' moments and a lot of 'how did they manage to get __________ this way?" moments.  There were nine days of early mornings and very late nights.  Nine days of fast food, sandwiches, and pizza runs (so much for the diet).  There were moments that tears fell hard and laughter was abundant.  There were moments when we knew this wasn't going to happen, and moments when it all came together.  Would we do it again?  YES! Just not any time soon.

We still have some trim to put up in both rooms, the 'finishing touches', like the towel bar, toilet paper holder, shelves, and of course, some DIY art work. 

Here are some 'AFTER' photos of the bath.  I haven't gotten around to taking any in the laundry yet.  I spent all day yesterday washing our towels, wash cloths and of course, our clothes.

Beautiful light fixtures for the bath and laundry.  8.00 at Lowe's.

Newly painted walls!!  LOVE the color...Gliddon's Gold Coastal White! Almost looks like a light creamy butter. 

The new vanity, back splash and shelving in the bath.

Closer shot of the vanity and back splash

Our new flooring!  Love it.
In the bathroom, I guess I got a little sentimental.  The base boards in the bath are cedar planks that came from a closet my grandfather built when he originally built the house.  All we had to do was clean them up a bit and put them down.  I'm guessing the boards are at least 60 years old and in wonderful condition.

It's basically a blank canvas for me to do something with.  And, if the temps ever decide to warm up (and stay warm) and it stops raining, I might be able to get the art work done and on the walls.  It is so nice and bright and happy.  I could so live in my bathroom now. 

I'll try to upload a few photos of the laundry room this week. Not making any promises though.  We are so tried and poor James had to go back to work this week.  Would I recommend anyone doing this in nine days???? NO!  It's back breaking, stressful and mistakes will be made.  It's worth it to just take your time and not stress yourself out over it.   Would I recommend remodeling your home yourself??  Sure.  Most of it is fairly easy and what you don't know, you can find on the Internet. 

I'm a happy mom/wife now.  :)