We are, for the most part, finished with the remodel. Still have a few minor odds and ends to complete but overall, it's a functioning bathroom and laundry room.
To update everyone, our floor in the laundry room, which is adjacent to the bathroom, fell in with a little help from our son. It had to come out. The bathroom was a breeding ground for mold, so it had to be terminated and fast. We pulled down the walls, took up the floors and replaced everything.
A few 'before' shots of the laundry and bath.
So ugly and a pain to clean. |
Part of the laundry room floor, where our son fell through. |
The Moldy bathtub |
The "I"m never coming out" vanity! |
We did both rooms in NINE (9) days!! Yes, you read that right, NINE DAYS! Nine very long, very aggravating, very stressful days! There were a few times I just knew for sure James and I would end our wonderful marriage over this. But, we stopped, thought and worked it all out. :) There was a lot of 'hurry up and wait' moments, a lot of 'how the hell did this happen' moments and a lot of 'how did they manage to get __________ this way?" moments. There were nine days of early mornings and very late nights. Nine days of fast food, sandwiches, and pizza runs (so much for the diet). There were moments that tears fell hard and laughter was abundant. There were moments when we knew this wasn't going to happen, and moments when it all came together. Would we do it again? YES! Just not any time soon.
We still have some trim to put up in both rooms, the 'finishing touches', like the towel bar, toilet paper holder, shelves, and of course, some DIY art work.
Here are some 'AFTER' photos of the bath. I haven't gotten around to taking any in the laundry yet. I spent all day yesterday washing our towels, wash cloths and of course, our clothes.
Beautiful light fixtures for the bath and laundry. 8.00 at Lowe's. |
Newly painted walls!! LOVE the color...Gliddon's Gold Coastal White! Almost looks like a light creamy butter. |
The new vanity, back splash and shelving in the bath. |
Closer shot of the vanity and back splash |
Our new flooring! Love it. |
In the bathroom, I guess I got a little sentimental. The base boards in the bath are cedar planks that came from a closet my grandfather built when he originally built the house. All we had to do was clean them up a bit and put them down. I'm guessing the boards are at least 60 years old and in wonderful condition.
It's basically a blank canvas for me to do something with. And, if the temps ever decide to warm up (and stay warm) and it stops raining, I might be able to get the art work done and on the walls. It is so nice and bright and happy. I could so live in my bathroom now.
I'll try to upload a few photos of the laundry room this week. Not making any promises though. We are so tried and poor James had to go back to work this week. Would I recommend anyone doing this in nine days???? NO! It's back breaking, stressful and mistakes will be made. It's worth it to just take your time and not stress yourself out over it. Would I recommend remodeling your home yourself?? Sure. Most of it is fairly easy and what you don't know, you can find on the Internet.
I'm a happy mom/wife now. :)
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