Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Potato Pancakes

Excuse my ignorance!  I had no idea.


For years, probably for as long as I've been alive, my family has always used the left over mashed potatoes to make potato pancakes.  I love them.  They are so versatile.  You can add pretty much anything to them and you could have a meal.

I make them quite often here for dinners.  Hubby and son absolutely love them.  Sometimes I will add a little diced onion, ham and cheese.  Sometimes I just add the egg and flour and sometimes I will throw in everything except the kitchen sink, make a nice salad and that is dinner.

I'm not sure where I first ate potato pancakes.  I'm not sure if it was my Mother or my Grandmother that introduced me to them.  I just know I love them.

I had no idea that Potato Pancakes are a Hanukkah tradition.  I had no idea the history behind this delicious food creation.  Nor did I know they originated from European and Middle Eastern century-old traditions including Austrian, Belarusian, among other countries.  Potato pancakes have been served in Germany and other European countries since at least the 19th century.

They are so simple to make.  Take some left over mashed potatoes or grate some up, add some AP flour and eggs, mix well and fry in a skillet until golden brown.  You can add pretty much anything you want: diced ham, crumbled bacon, pepperoni, diced chicken, etc., onion, garlic, and any herb/seasonings you like, and any veggie you like.  You can top them with apple sauce, sour cream, ranch dressing (my fav), or anything your heart desires.

I don't think I'll ever look at a potato pancake the same way again.

I'm educated on them now.  And I still just love them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Painted Christmas Ornaments

It's almost Thanksgiving!  Not much longer until Christmas.  Most of the Christmas shopping is done.  I have to get three more gifts and then it will be done.  I'm quite proud of myself, actually.  Normally, I'd be the one the day before Christmas Eve doing the shopping.  This year, I decided to give buying early a try....I think I like it. 

In all honesty, most of the gifts I am giving are homemade.  I love homemade gifts.  There is just something about a homemade gift that warms my heart.  There is love put into the gift.  The person making the gift was thinking about you when the gift was made.  No one else has THAT gift.  There is just something wonderfully magical about a homemade gift.

Not everyone appreciate a homemade gift. There are some that, if it wasn't bought at a store, it's just not good enough.  I feel sorry for those people.  They really have no idea the joy a homemade gift can bring. 

I'm sure most everyone has seen these painted Christmas ornaments.  I've been wanting to do some for about two years and I finally decided to do it.  I plan on boxing a few up and giving out as gifts this year.  They're not fancy.  They're not anything super special.  What makes these super fancy and special is that someone was thinking about YOU when they were made.  There is love in these.  That's what makes them magical.

I followed the directions on the website, except I had to shake mine to get the paint to mix.  Other than that, it was fast, easy, magical.

In these photos, the paint was still drying, so I hadn't put the hangers back on.  But, I love the way the paint all mixed together.  Magical!

Try making a homemade gift this year.  You might see the person who receives the gift eyes light up.  That's the Christmas magic.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tips for a Less Stressful Thanksgiving

It’s Tuesday.  And, it’s STILL raining. This has been a year of change for me.  Some days it is a struggle, and other days, it's not.  It's called Life.

My quest to ensure this Holiday season is a simple, stress-free holiday has proven, once again, a challenge.  For almost five years, I’ve attempted to get James excited about the Holidays, with no luck.  This year, he has decided to get ‘excited’.  Figures.  He wants to put out all the outdoor decorations….ALL of them.   So we have compromised.  I told him he could do the outdoor decorations, and I would do the indoor decorations.  Easy
Thinking about Thanksgiving and the dinner, I’ve thought and rethought about it.  And, I asked myself this question: “Does it HAVE to be perfect?”  Of course, my answer was, “NO!”  Then I asked myself this question: “What can I do to make it nice, but with less stress?”  I have found myself stressing over not making it stressful.   Change isn't easy, I tell you.

So here are some ideas and shortcuts I've come up with for making Thanksgiving nice and less stressful.

Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t have to be on Thanksgiving Day. WHAT?  No, it does NOT have to be on that day!  We will celebrate it the weekend after Thanksgiving.  James is working both Thursday and Friday, so Saturday is our day.  This allows other members of the family to enjoy the day with other friends and family.  It’s not a ‘rush in, eat, and leave because I have other places to go’ kind of day.  It also allows for you to plan and do all the cooking the way you want to do it. 
And, speaking of cooking, short-cuts are a blessing!  I am the Queen of short-cut cooking  (In my head, anyway).  You do not have to make cornbread from scratch for the stuffing/dressing.  It’s okay to buy the add butter and water stuff.  What you can do is add fruit and nuts to make it special.  It’s okay to use instant potatoes for the mashed potatoes.  Add in some sour cream and/or horseradish to spice it up some.  The turkey gravy in a jar?  Believe it or not, it’s okay to use it.  Dinner rolls?  Rhodes brand make wonderful yeast rolls.  Let them rise, and bake.  Turkey or ham?  Buying one already cooked/roasted is fine.  Just heat it up in the oven.  Same with desserts; frozen or already made is okay.  Add a little whipped topping and you are good to go!  No one has to know you didn’t slave over a hot stove/oven for days creating this wonderful bounty!  To make it even more special, and because we eat first with our eyes, break out the beautiful platters and bowls.  Use them.  

Look to Nature for your décor.  The Earth provides us with some beautiful colors this time of year.  Take the kids out for a hike one weekend, bring some bags, and let them pick out beautiful colored leaves, pine cones and acorns.  (Make sure it's okay to do this) Find a few branches and make a ‘Thankful Tree’.   Create a centerpiece with the leaves, pinecones and acorn and a few candles.  Get out the glue, scissors, construction sheet paper, scrape book paper and let the kids (and you too) make turkeys using cut outs of your hands.

I look at Thanksgiving as a time to spend with my family and friends, to be thankful for what God has blessed us with this year.  It’s a time to gather together, enjoy each other’s love and kinship, to set aside our differences and come together as one.  If I can find ways to make it less stressful and more enjoyable, then that is a bonus!  There is no need in stressing over the food, the décor or if Auntie loves the stuffing/dressing.  That’s not what is important.
Sometimes we have to rethink our traditions and ask ourselves ‘is this still working for us?’  It’s okay to change.  It’s okay to not do what ‘you’ve always done’.  It’s okay to smile, look at the people that surround you, take a deep breath and breathe in the love of family and friends.   Make this year’s Thanksgiving less stressful, and more…thankful.  It’s okay.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Heart Health: A Plan for the Holidays

It’s November and there is an element of electricity of the holiday season in the air.  Even around here, you can feel the excitement in the air.  As we prepare for the holidays, I have to keep in the front of my brain, eat healthy!  Sometimes this is easier said than done.  Just one look at all the cookies, cakes, pies, sweet potato casserole, ham and turkey can cause a person to lose all common sense and before you know it, you’ve eaten a months’ worth of calories!!!

I remember the very first Thanksgiving James and I spent together.  We decided to have Thanksgiving at my sister’s house and even though we said, “We’re not bringing a LOT of food”, we did.  James had a ‘taste’ of everything!  EVERY-THING!!!  He said, “I didn’t want to seem rude.”  And that night, he was hugging the porcelain god!!!

So, when I began to think about what to do for the Heart Healthy blog post this month, I decided to help us all out and post a few ideas on healthy eating during the holidays.  It’s not easy.  It’s hard enough to eat healthy on a good day.  But it is even more important to eat healthy during the holidays.
The holiday season is stressful enough, so placing unrealistic eating goals is just adding to that stress.  Don’t go on a diet during this time of the year.  It’s not feasible and you will fail.  Understanding this will help you out….a LOT!

We all get those party invitations.  So, when you go:

Use a smaller plate when at a buffet type party.  You will eat less.  If you have a lot of parties to attend, eat a healthy snack before going.  You will eat less at the party.  Spend the evening talking to other people at the party.  It’s free calories.  Look at the buffet before loading up.  Make healthy choices.  If you know you have a party to attend, balance what you eat during the day with what you eat at the party.  Drinks contain calories, unless it’s plain water.  Alcoholic drinks, punches, and anything chocolate have calories you may not be aware of.  Moderation is key!  Portion size counts!  Do a ‘taste’ of higher calorie foods. The holidays are very stressful.  Don’t feel like you have to accept every party invitation.  And, again, if you go, and you are not hungry, do not eat!  Don’t let pressure decide your fate.

Things you can do at home:

At home, keep fresh fruit and veggies out for snaking.  Go easy on the dips though.  Some dips, even homemade, can contain high calories.  Make a plan.  This can save you many calories.  Plan smart.  Carrots, celery, apples, oranges, and grapes can be set out for you and family members to snake on.


 If there is a time more important to exercise, it is during the holiday season!  It will help you deal with the added stress that comes with family get-togethers, and all the planning and decorating.  And, it will help get rid of those extra calories.  Do not beat yourself up if you do eat more than you should, or choose unhealthy foods.  Take responsibility for it and go back to your normal eating/exercise routine as soon as you can.  The holidays are a joyful time of the year.  You do not have to be a prune!  You do not have to be a vacuum cleaner and suck all the fun out of the party!  But, be smart.  Plan smart.

Finally, take time for you!  Take some alone time.  Get a manicure or pedicure.  Give to yourself; go to a spa, stay away from stressful situations.  For me, shopping during this time of the year causes me stress, so I stay away as much as I can, or I go late at night.  Read a book, pray, meditate, get together with friends, take a walk through the neighborhood and enjoy the Christmas lights.  Do for others; do sometime nice for a family or person in need. Pay for the person behind you.  Pay it forward.  And above all else, enjoy the reason for the season.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Center Piece

My attempt at keeping the Holiday's simple has so far, proven to be a challenge.  I see all the beautiful decorations, and my mind goes into over-drive!  I have a lot of Halloween and Christmas decorations, but hardly any Thanksgiving decorations.

Last night, our temps got very close to freezing.  We have an old cast iron gas fireplace in our bedroom and when we fired it up last night, within a few minutes, the carbon monoxide monitors began to scream.  So, we headed to Walmart to find us one of those oil heaters.  In the process of getting to that area, we walked by the little Thanksgiving display they had set up.  My brain went into over-drive and I picked out a few things.

Today, I got out my bags and began to study the items I purchased.  This really didn't cost a lot to put together and it is simple to do.

Here is what you will need:

1 plate/platter/charger of your choice in a Thanksgiving/Fall motif (Cost/ 2.97)
1 large pillar candle in a fall color (Cost/4.97)
1 small pillar candle in a fall color (These can match or not)  (Cost/2.97
1 bag on cinnamon scented pine cones (Cost/ 4.98)

Total cost/ 16.00)

Place candles in the center of platter/platter/charger, and add the pine cones around it.  Place on table.  Easy, simple and elegant.