Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Painted Christmas Ornaments

It's almost Thanksgiving!  Not much longer until Christmas.  Most of the Christmas shopping is done.  I have to get three more gifts and then it will be done.  I'm quite proud of myself, actually.  Normally, I'd be the one the day before Christmas Eve doing the shopping.  This year, I decided to give buying early a try....I think I like it. 

In all honesty, most of the gifts I am giving are homemade.  I love homemade gifts.  There is just something about a homemade gift that warms my heart.  There is love put into the gift.  The person making the gift was thinking about you when the gift was made.  No one else has THAT gift.  There is just something wonderfully magical about a homemade gift.

Not everyone appreciate a homemade gift. There are some that, if it wasn't bought at a store, it's just not good enough.  I feel sorry for those people.  They really have no idea the joy a homemade gift can bring. 

I'm sure most everyone has seen these painted Christmas ornaments.  I've been wanting to do some for about two years and I finally decided to do it.  I plan on boxing a few up and giving out as gifts this year.  They're not fancy.  They're not anything super special.  What makes these super fancy and special is that someone was thinking about YOU when they were made.  There is love in these.  That's what makes them magical.

I followed the directions on the website, except I had to shake mine to get the paint to mix.  Other than that, it was fast, easy, magical.

In these photos, the paint was still drying, so I hadn't put the hangers back on.  But, I love the way the paint all mixed together.  Magical!

Try making a homemade gift this year.  You might see the person who receives the gift eyes light up.  That's the Christmas magic.

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