Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Potato Pancakes

Excuse my ignorance!  I had no idea.


For years, probably for as long as I've been alive, my family has always used the left over mashed potatoes to make potato pancakes.  I love them.  They are so versatile.  You can add pretty much anything to them and you could have a meal.

I make them quite often here for dinners.  Hubby and son absolutely love them.  Sometimes I will add a little diced onion, ham and cheese.  Sometimes I just add the egg and flour and sometimes I will throw in everything except the kitchen sink, make a nice salad and that is dinner.

I'm not sure where I first ate potato pancakes.  I'm not sure if it was my Mother or my Grandmother that introduced me to them.  I just know I love them.

I had no idea that Potato Pancakes are a Hanukkah tradition.  I had no idea the history behind this delicious food creation.  Nor did I know they originated from European and Middle Eastern century-old traditions including Austrian, Belarusian, among other countries.  Potato pancakes have been served in Germany and other European countries since at least the 19th century.

They are so simple to make.  Take some left over mashed potatoes or grate some up, add some AP flour and eggs, mix well and fry in a skillet until golden brown.  You can add pretty much anything you want: diced ham, crumbled bacon, pepperoni, diced chicken, etc., onion, garlic, and any herb/seasonings you like, and any veggie you like.  You can top them with apple sauce, sour cream, ranch dressing (my fav), or anything your heart desires.

I don't think I'll ever look at a potato pancake the same way again.

I'm educated on them now.  And I still just love them.

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