Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Last Post: A Sad Good-bye!

Hey everyone!

At the beginning of the year, I posted on how hubby and I were drifting apart emotionally and how we had to do something.  A series of unfortunate events have happened that has brought me to a very hard decision.  This is not an easy thing for me to do.  But, I realize in order to save my marriage, it is something that must be done.

About three weeks ago, my laptop crashed.  Less than a year old and the darn thing just quit!  (why no posts).  During those three weeks, hubby and I spent more time together and we both loved it.  We had time to do things, go places, talk, and just reconnect.  It was wonderful.  That 'old' feeling came back and life was great.  The laptop got fixed and came home and life went back to 'normal'.  Me in the computer, he in the TV. 

A few days later, we were just sitting around the house, and I said, "Sure do miss you."  He says, "I'm right here. Haven't went anywhere."  I said, "Ha ha, you know what I mean."  We spent the next two hours talking about the 'problem' and we both realized that blogging, and keeping up with the Facebook page was taking up so much of my time, I didn't leave any room for anything or anyone else.

The next few months are busy months for us.  Our youngest will graduate high school, start a new job, and college.  We have gardens to tend to, and a few remodeling projects that has to be done.  And, we have plans to go on a couple of trips together.  And, we just love being able to be free to do what we want to do.  To wake up in the morning and decide to take a day-trip, go junking, go to yard sales, flea markets, etc. It's almost like the blog and Facebook page has taken the place of our youngest leaving the nest.  A replacement so to say.

So, with all that said, it is with a sad heart that this will be my last post on the blog and Facebook.  It was not an easy decision.  And I have enjoyed the time I have spent doing this.  I've made wonderful friends that are like family to me.  James and I have so much we want to do now that our youngest is off on his own (or soon will be).  And reconnecting is just one of them.

Sometimes, we get so busy in our lives, so many other responsibilities take up our time, we forget about the ones we live with.  The ones that are always there for us.  We take for granted they will always be there, will always come home.  What we don't realize is one day, we wake up and realize that those people are gone and you sit and wonder what the hell happened.  It's an easy trap to fall into to.  It may be the Internet, close friends, family, jobs, or some other reason.  But we fall into it either way. 

Part of what makes a marriage great is taking time for each other.  Spending time together as a couple. Getting rid of the kids for a few hours, or a few days and just enjoying each others company.  Forget the house work, yard work and all the other stuff that keeps us busy and take time to spend with each other.  Marriage is a job.  It takes 2 people working together to make it work. 

I leave you with this: Ever so often take an inventory of your life, your marriage, the things that keep you 'busy', the things that keep you from connecting with the ones you love the most (family, friends, children, husband/wife) and get rid of those things.  If it's the Internet, spend less time on it, if it is crafting, spend less time on it.  If it is friends/family, explain that your marriage MUST come first.  Then grab your spouse and take a walk, take a road trip, go have pie and coffee, see a movie ALONE!  Just the 2 of you.  Talk, hug, kiss, say "I love you" and make it happen! 

It's been a pleasure doing this all these years and maybe one day, I'll come back to it.   IF I'm not out enjoying life. :)

P.S.  As for the Facebook page, I will leave it active until the end of next week...then I will deactivate the account.  Thank you all for your love and support.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Passions

Hey everyone!  As a person who just dabbles in a lot of things, but nothing inclusive (quilting, painting, etc.), I have a lot of projects going on at all times.  Matter of fact, I have about 20 projects right now that need attention.  I am hoping to get all those finished up and put away for a rainy day to brighten someones life.

I have found a new passion.  I learned to crochet when I was a teenager, but never got beyond the basic stitches.  The last few months I have been relearning how to do the basic stitches and learning a few new ones.  I did a set of baby items for my daughter (who is expecting again), and a few hats for those cold Winter days.

I have always loved those lacy looking doilies my Mother and Granny made.  I have a few of them they made and cherish them dearly.  So, I set out to learn how to do them.  Not quiet as easy as crocheting a baby blanket, but they are small enough to do in a few hours. 

This last week I attempted a few; some I made up, some I followed a pattern.  None are blocked yet, but hoping to get that done this weekend. 

What have you learned to do lately?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Relationships: Part 2

So this year I will be focusing on relationships.  I had thought about doing a year long (much like the heart health from last year) on diabetes.  I think though, this is a much more interesting topic.  We started our adventure last weekend, and you can come along for the ride.

In my last post, I talked about how hubby and I have got into this rut within our relationship.  After a LOT of discussion, a few heated arguments, and tears, we finally decided we had to do something.  So we have started 'date night'.  This began last weekend.  We decided to take off for the weekend to kick start our new adventure. 

After doing some research, we decided to tour our local wineries.  We live close to the Ozarks of Arkansas, so it wasn't too far from home.  Baby steps, people, baby steps.

We hit about 6 wineries before noon.  :)  Then we headed to Mt. Magazine. It was so nice and peaceful there and we even saw a little armadillo having some lunch.  We spent about an hour or so there before heading back to Fort Smith, Ark for the night.

Once at the hotel, we had a battle of sinking ships!!  Battleship, y'all!!  Minds out of the gutters. This was a very close game and hubby kicked my ships right into the ocean!  Then, we decided to get some dinner, but being a Saturday night, every place had a line a mile long and a wait of at least 45 minutes.  So we drove around and found a Village Inn...great food and the service was equally great!  They have a peanut butter chocolate pie that is to DIE FOR!  We split it and we both left with a smile on our faces. 

The evening was still early so we decided to see a move, but by the time we got to the theater, everything had already started and I didn't want to wait until 11pm to see a movie.  So, we went back to the hotel.  We watched a little TV, and did a LOT of talking.  We played Rummy and again, hubby stunk me out!  Only won one hand.  But it was fun.

The next morning, we head North to Springdale, Ark.  We went to the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks which was pretty amazing considering it's Winter.  It will be worth the drive back this Spring when everything is bloomed out and green.  From there, we went to Bentonville, Ark. to see Crystal Bridges.  It is massive!!  We didn't get to see it all.  Ran out of time, but we're planing to go back when we have all day to just explore.

Overall, we connected in ways I didn't think we could.  The trip was much needed, not only for us as individuals, but as a couple.  We are both a lot more attuned to each other.  We're both a little more considerate towards each other.  The tension in the air has thinned; it's still there, but it's not as thick.

One thing we did talk about is this "date night" thing.  We both agree it's a great idea, but, not every week.  We both agree it would get a little old after a while, and considering we live in a rather small town, we'd run out of places to go and things to do if we did this every week.  So, we're going to do it about twice a month and see how that goes.  These are actual planned dates.  We are also gonna do a little spur of the moments "lets get some coffee or pie" dates, as well.

I think every couple should have at least one date night a month, without kids.  Just the two of you.  After all, you dated before you were married, it should keep happening.  That's what happened to us.  We dated, we got married and the dating stopped.  Couples need that time to be together with no conversations about home, work or the kids.  I learned things about hubby this last weekend that I never knew! 

Some family members have said that we're 'selfish' for doing this.  Our son is 18 and he is okay with it and he understands.  It's not like we're going on a trip every weekend without him.  Matter of fact, we're planning a big trip at the end of May, beginning of  June to go see the Civil War Battlefields in Prairie Grove, Ark.  DS is looking forward to that, as are we.  What they don't know is we talked to our son about all this before we decided to do it.  He says, "Hey, I get it, mom...privacy, alone time, it's all good.  Go, have fun."  He stayed home, and played his battle games with his friends...and they had fun, too. It was a win-win for all.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Saving a Relationship: Date Night: Does It Really Work?

If you do a search for "How to Find Time for Your Mate" you will get over a million hits.  Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions of how to do this, how to turn the spark into a blazing fire.  Does it really work?


Hubby and I have been married for a little over four years.  In that sense, we're still classified as 'newlyweds'.  But, here lately, it feels like we've been together forever!  With all the stresses of our life that has happened over the last year or so, we've fallen into a rut of sorts.  We get up in the morning, make coffee, he turns on the TV, I get on the computer.  At noon, we watch the Noon News, he gets ready for work, I get dressed, he leaves for work, I get busy cleaning the house, cooking dinner, doing the laundry.  At 10:30, he comes home, eats dinner, watches TV and falls asleep on  the sofa, I surf the Internet until I go to bed.  A rut?  I'd say we were in serious trouble.

The experts say this sometimes happens.  My question is 'Why?'   Why do married couples allow ourselves to get into this way of life? This last weekend was an 'eye opener' of sorts for us.  We realized we were just not happy.  We asked each other, "What happened?"  We spent 3-4 hours talking about when it began, why it began and what we can do to get out of this rut.  We had to do some serious thinking back into the past.  Neither of us have been unfaithful.  So that is not an issue. We also turned to the Internet to see what the 'experts' had to say. The first thing they mentioned is to have a date night.  Who can really afford to go out to dinner and a movie every week?  And, wouldn't that get boring after a while?  I'm not down playing the date night.  I actually think it is a great idea.  We dated before we got married, got dressed up, put on our best...everything and had a great time.  So, date night could work.

The other thing the 'experts' mentioned is having breakfast, or lunch a few times a week away from the house.   I might agree with this, too.  I have a wonderful friend who says, "You can not connect with your spouse at home.  There are too many distractions."  I totally agree with this.  But again, who can afford it?  What is the price of saving a marriage these days? 

One thing we discovered is we have this fear.  Fear?  Yes, fear.  See, we live next door to my sister who is a diabetic and has low blood sugars during the early morning hours.  There have been a few times we've went out only to come home to ambulance and family members at her house because she had a low blood sugar.  We've been asked, "Where were you? Why were you not here?"   We know we're not responsible for her or her health.  She is older than I am, and she knows what she should do, but refuses to do it.  Hubby says, "We have to just say _________ this and do it! We just have to decide to do what we're doing and not worry about the 'what-ifs'"  I'm not sure I can do that.  After all, she IS my sister.  But the question is: Am I responsible for her?  The answer: No.  The next question is: Is being here all the time, stopping our life, more important that my marriage?  The answer is : HELL NO!  So, I have a huge obstacle to climb when it comes to the 'fear'. 

We made a few plans, gathered a few ideas and as long as nothing big happens, these thing WILL happen.  Sometimes, I think, we just have to say, "NO" and move on.  Will 'date night' work?  I sure hope so.  There comes a time in any marriage that we just have to stop what we're doing and put everything else to the side and focus on our relationships.  We did this when we were dating.  Nothing else mattered.  It was just you and him, him and you.  The world stopped moving when you two were together.  Why should it spin faster after a few years or a lot of years being married?  I will post after a few times of doing this and let you all know how it has worked out.

What do you do to keep the spark alive in your marriage? 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stupid Bowl Dip

Hey folks!  This month has flown by in a rush of blurred memories!

It's just been a little over a month since my daddy passed on and things have just been crazy.  We have had the crud for the last 2-3 weeks and are finally getting over it (thanks to some high powered antibiotics).  I still lack the energy I had before this mess hit us, but everyday is better than the last.

The weather in Oklahoma has been insanely unpredictable.  One day, it's 60, the next day, 20.  No wonder we're all sick!

I had to put off the organization on the house for a bit.  My side of the closet is still a mess and I am hoping to get it done in the next few weeks.  And the office just keeps getting worse!  This has to be done by March, so I really need to get things moving.  My motivation has went on vacation...too bad it didn't take me with it.

On a positive note, though, I am going to be a grandmother again!!!  My wonderful daughter and her husband announced Christmas they are expecting another bundle of joy!  She is due sometime in July/August.  We are super excited about this new addition to our family.

This weekend should be a great one.  Yes, it is gonna be nasty, wet, and cold, but the Super Bowl is on Sunday.  We don't actually watch the game.  We watch the commercials.   I usually prepare our "Stupid Bowl Dip", which is a meal in itself.  Sometimes I will make pizza rolls. 

For today's blog post, I will share my "Stupid Bowl Dip" with everyone and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

"Stupid Bowl Dip"

2 cans refried beans
1 lb. ground beef (or turkey)
1 packet taco seasoning
1 container sour cream
1 head of lettuce
1-2 tomatoes
1 small white or yellow onion
1 can black olives
1 jar salsa
1 large package of Mexican cheese

In a 9x13 baking dish, spread the beans.  In a skillet, brown the ground beef (or turkey) until no longer pink, drain.  Add the taco seasoning to the meat and simmer for about 10 minutes on low.  Layer the meat on top of beans.  Add 1 cup of cheese on top of meat.  Place in a 350 degree oven and bake for 5-10 minutes or until cheese is melted.  While this is baking, chop lettuce, tomatoes, onions and olives.  Take bean/meat mixture out of oven and let cool for about 10 minutes.  Top with sour cream, salsa and cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and black olives.  Serve with tortilla chips.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cleaning Out the House

Have you ever felt like this???

OR this when cleaning the house?????

That's the look I've had for a week and a half.  I'm not just cleaning the house, I am cleaning OUT the house!  I've got years of...junk that needs to GO!  and now!  So far, I have cleaned out the living room, the kitchen and I started today on the master bedroom.  That one may take a day or two to get done.  In my house, my bedroom is the over flow room for the office...meaning, once the office is full, it goes into my bedroom.  Well, that ends...today.

I began in the living room, which wasn't too bad.  Just mostly trash.  One day, tops to do that room.  Then, I moved into the kitchen.  That took a few days.  Thank God we had a 'snow day'. DS and DH was trapped at home, so I put them to work helping me clean out the kitchen cabinets and going through all our junk.  I ended up with 8 boxes of...JUNK..or treasure, however you see it. :)

Since our bedroom is the over flow area, and my office is now a storage room, it was beginning to wear on my nerves.  I don't know about you, but I can't sleep in a cluttered room.  So, today, I began the process of cleaning it out.  I got a lot done, but no where near done.  I have an entire side of the closet to go and I am not looking forward to dragging everything out.  But, I know it has to be done.  And, I know I will love it because I will sleep better.

The last room I will go through is my office/storage room.  That one is gonna take all of us, working together, for at least a week to get it all cleaned out.  Then I can proudly say I have a really clean house.

Sometimes I think it would be easier and faster to bull doze it down and start over.  But  I love my home.  It was my grandparents home and where I spent most of my childhood.  When I am done with everything I want to do, it won't look the same, but the feeling will be the same; full of family, full of love, full of life.

Do you ever just go through each room and clean out all the hidden treasures?  Share with us your experience in cleaning out your house. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

White Kitchen Cabinets

A few minutes ago I would have swore I did a blog post on our kitchen remodel a few years ago.  I was apparently wrong, because I can't find it if I did. :(

Anyway, a few years ago we did a kitchen remodel of sorts.  We took the doors off the upper cabinets and painted them and the lower cabinets white. We sanded down the hardware and sprayed painted them a cracked bronze.  I am not exactly sure what I was thinking when I told DH to do this but I do remember the look I got.  It was not pretty.  But, he did what I asked anyway.  Do I regret the white painted cabinets?  OH MY GOD! YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!

White painted kitchen cabinets are great if you never use your kitchen.  Seriously.  You can not keep them clean and everything shows!  Even with my poor eye sight, I can see the crap on them.  And it is not for a lack of cleaning them.  I scrub them weekly, but once they are stained, forget it.  It stays. I have spots on my cabinets where I have actually scrubbed the paint off trying to get them clean!  And the kitchen, to me, always looks dirty.

So, I was expressing my unhappiness with my cabinets to my DH the other night.  We discussed ripping out the cabinets, and getting new ones.  We discussed just painting the ones we have a different color.  The cost of each and how we would go about doing this.  The floor needs to be taken up joist reinforced, and new flooring laid down. We discussed our options.  We have not decided on anything yet. but either this year or next year, the kitchen will have something done to it.

My advice: NEVER, EVER paint your kitchen cabinets white...unless you NEVER use it...then go ahead.

Since my dad passed away Christmas Eve, a LOT has been going on and more is yet to come.  However, I have decided to declutter the house.  I started today on the living room.  I can not believe how much trash three people produce!  I got most of it done, except for washing the curtains.  It's super cold here right now, so that will just have to wait until it warms a bit.   I finally got all the inside Christmas decorations put up.  DS and I went through all of the decorations and got rid of a lot of it.  Tomorrow, I will start on my kitchen.  Sometimes it's just a good idea to reassess what you have, what you love, what you can part with and scale down.

I will try to keep up with the blog posts, but if you have Facebook, go check out my page!
