Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Spending: A Rant

Every year I have the best intentions of beginning in January to buy my Christmas gifts.  And, every year, come December, I haven't bought a thing.  Our family is growing and everything is more and more expensive.  However, I have found that, when I do find something one family member would love to have, and I think to myself, "That would be a great Christmas gift", they go out and buy it for themselves.  And, there goes the gift.  This world has become a world of "I want it yesterday so, I shall have it today."  It is becoming increasingly difficult to buy for family and friends because of this mentality.  Which is probably why come December I am found wondering the aisles of a store with a pissed off look trying to find that perfect gift...because that 'perfect' gift has already been bought.  Ugh. 
I have attempted to do homemade Christmas gifts, cards, and the like and much to my own surprise, most of the time, the recipient doesn't seem that impressed.  Personally, I would rather get a homemade gift, made with love and from the heart than a half-hearted gift from WalMart.  I think, I know one of the best gifts I ever received was from my sister, Theresa.  She put together and gift basket of teas, books and the like.  I got it and I loved it!  Every year I get one of the books out, "The Christmas Gift" and read it.  It makes me happy.  Not just the book, but the thought behind it.  

Things have been a bit tight this year for James and I.  If it can happen, it has.  My family drew names this year, but when there are 3 in the family, that is still 3 gifts that must be bought.  And, our necessary bills (gas, water, food) must be paid before anything else.  
Last night, James and I went to WalMart to buy some groceries.  On the way to the door, James says, "Wished I'd see a 100 dollar bill.  But, ya know what would be better?  Two 100 dollar bills."  In all honesty, if he did find it, he would turn it in.  

I think the best thing ever invented are gift cards.  Yes, they seem a bit impersonal.  But, when you live in a society where people buy their own gifts, sometimes a 'bit impersonal' is the way to go.  You put some cash on the card, give it to the recipient on Christmas and tell them, "HERE!  Go get what you want (because you have bought yourself everything and there is nothing left for me to buy you).  
It's sad, really.  Especially when the real reason from Christmas is the birth of Jesus.  We exchange gifts every year because the Wise Men brought gifts to the Baby Jesus.  Yet, in the hoopla of life, it seems we have forgotten this small fact.   People are more interested in the cost of the gift and not the meaning behind it.  Very sad, indeed.

We have bought almost everyone on our list a gift; we still have 4 more to get.  Then, we are done.  But, I have been doing a lot of thinking the last few weeks. Not much more to do when you're sick.  And, next year, our "gift" to our family will be not getting them anything.  That may sound mean and cruel, but is it, really?  They will buy themselves what they want throughout the year, so why stress myself out trying to find that one perfect gift, right?  Our gift will be our time.  Oh, we'll have the Christmas dinner with all the fixings.  And, our time.  James agrees.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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