Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Wake Up Call

This is a hard post for me to write.  This is not a funny story.  It is a very serious story.  A story that happened to me over the Christmas holidays.  This story is a hard-core, open book, all honesty, no holds barred story.  A LOT of people will not like to read it.   However, I feel that I must share it.
We had our baby!  A most joyous time no doubt.  Both daughter and grandbaby are doing wonderful!  Sunday night, the night before Christmas Eve, James and I were sitting in our living room, watching TV.  I’d been rather tired all day, more so than normal.  But, just figured it was due to all the last minute shopping we had done over the weekend.  I was looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with my family.  

I began to cough rather hard Sunday night, around midnight.  Then, my chest began to hurt.  I figured I had smoked way too much that day, or I was coming down with some kind of respiratory infection.  I also became very tired.  So, I decided I should go to bed, since we had a busy day ahead of us.
I go into my bed, and lay down and my chest began to hurt worse.  The longer I lay there, the worse the pain became.  I got up, and sat on the side of the bed.  James was asking me all sort of questions, he wanted to take me to the ER.  I refused.  That night was a hit and miss on sleeping.  The pain would let up when I sat up; become worse when I lay down. 
The next day, I got up, got ready and went to my dad’s for Christmas Eve with the family.  Inside, I knew something was not quite right, but it was Christmas!  I left my dad’s around 2 pm.  Came home, and began to get stuff ready for Christmas Day.   The pain continued to worsen.  Around 6 pm, it was more than I could bear.  I called James at work, and told him to come home.  Twenty minutes later, we were at the ER. 

The nurse asked what I was there for and I said, “I’m having some really bad chest pains.”  They immediately took me back and began to run tests.  To my surprise, I was having a heart attack!  Not HAD one, but was having one!  The Cardiologist came in and talked to me and James, then took me to the Cath Lab.  I had one artery 100% blocked, one 70% blocked and one at 50% blocked.  The doctor inserted a stint in the artery that was 100% blocked, and I was then taken to ICU.

Talk about a wakeup call!  I saw my future fade right before my eyes.  Some people will say they saw their past flash before them.  I saw my future fade!  When you are in ICU alone, you have a lot of time to think.  

One question I have been asked repeatedly is “Why didn’t you go in when your chest first began to hurt?”  I can say all kinds of things like “I thought it was gas.” Or “I thought it was heart burn.”  The truth is, it was Christmas and I didn’t want to be accused of ruining anyone’s Christmas.  Or “looking for attention.” Or “just making it up.”  Things certain people in my family would have said.   I tried so very hard not to be grumpy while at my dad’s for Christmas Eve.  I really did.  However, at times, the pain was just almost unbearable.  

Some members of my family will read this and think, “Well, who said that?  They forget James has excellent hearing….even in a whisper, he hears.  Nevertheless, it’s okay.  I said in the beginning of this post, that it was an honest post. Sometimes, the truth hurts.  Not nearly as much as a heart attack, but it still hurts.   I don't write these things to be hurtful to anyone.  I just know what has been said in the past.  I did not want to ruin anyone's Christmas.  IF I was rude, or inconsiderate to anyone in my family on Christmas Eve, I do apologize.  However, I think it was justified. 

Now, I am home, with a list of things I can and cannot do.  A list of things I can and cannot eat.  Is this going to be easy?  NO!  But, I must do it if I want to live!  And people are just going to have to learn to rely on other people or themselves for what they want.  For the first time in my life, I am putting myself first.  I am putting my health first.  And, if that pisses people off, too bad.  They will get over it.

My wonderful Cardiologist, Dr. Ali, has outlined my New Year’s Resolution!  Stop smoking, lose weight, get more exercise, and eat more fruits and veggies, and less red meat.  I can rely on my biggest supporter, James, to help me in achieving these goals. 
This blog is taking a turn.  The next year, I will share my new heart healthy recipes.  The struggles I face with quitting smoking, and the joy I will have when I achieve a goal.   Of course, there will be the DIY’s and remodels, and all the other great stuff (like learning to sew).  

Have a wonderful New Year, everyone!

The Page Family

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