Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blogging Without Photos: Baby Shower

I don't know about you, but when I am looking for some inspiration, I love blogs that include photos.  I'm a visual person, and I like to see how to do things.  However, for some reason, either my computer or my camera will not let me upload any photo's.  This, to see the least, is a tad bit aggravating!

SO, I'm just gonna tell you how I did what I did and post the photos when I can figure out what the heck is going on.

We are having another baby shower!!!  I know, right!  This time, it's a boy, and it's my nephew and his girlfriend that is having the baby.  And I am hosting the baby shower.  When I asked my nephew and his girlfriend if they had any ideas, they said, "Do whatever you want!"  I was in Heaven!  I have free range!  No 'rules', no 'do not' or anything like that.  Yeah, I'm happy!

I decided to go with a blue, yellow and green color scheme and use rubber ducks.   I went a little nuts on buying the rubber ducks.  I will find something to do with them. I hit the Internet and found so much inspiration.  Here are a few things I will be including:

We have some glasses that almost look like the one's above.  I will use cotton balls or marshmallows for the bubbles and add the rubber ducks.

The punch will be blue, of course.  I will use blue Hawaiian punch, ginger ale, vanilla ice cream, and mini marshmallows for the bubbles and add a mommy duck and her baby.

 I saw these and thought I can do this.  I cut out the duck on yellow card stock.  I taped the toothpick onto the bottom duck, and glued the top duck.  I added a eye and these will go in the cupcakes I am making.  This cost me nothing but time.  I had the card stock and glue and my dad had the tooth picks. WIN!

I also took felt, cut pennants out in our colors, took a white piece of felt and cut out letters (Layton, the baby's name), glued the letters to the pennants and will string this with ribbon or yarn.

I found this on www.etsy.com and almost died at the price of it!  So, with my left-over card board from our remodel project, I cut out a carriage, handle and, wheels.  I took my punch and punched out some flower circles to put on the wheels.  I painted the wheels white and the carriage and handle blue.  I took my hot glue gun and glued on the handle and the wheels.  I took some lace and glued it on around the carriage and handle.  I then took some yellow paint and added some swirls to the carriage.  It turned out A~maz~ing!!!  BTW: this cost me NOTHING! NADA! ZILCH! 

The next thing I have done is had James cut me out the letter "L" with left-over plywood, again, from the remodel project, and sand it down very, very smooth. I took some camo yarn and covered it by wrapping the wood with the yarn.  I then added some 'baby' embellishments.  This will sit on the cupcake table.

I can not wait until the day of the shower.  It's gonna be so much fun and I sure hope my nephew and his girlfriend love what I have done.

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