Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome Fall

Welcome Fall!

Is Fall not the best time of the year?  To me it is.  The colors of the trees, the crispness of the air, football.  I love this time of year so much.  As the world prepares to sleep through the Winter, I awaken.  I get excited.  Something inside of me just comes alive.  Just thinking about Fall brings a sense of newness to me.

I love to bake.  Apple pie.  Bread. Muffins.  I love everything about Fall.  My son was born in October.  James and I were married in October.  I love sitting outside, around the fire pit, talking and spending time with James.  Fall is the best time to go camping...in a tent.  Fall is S'Mores.  Pumpkin carvings.  Halloween.

It's been insane around here.  It's been too hot to go outside.  I'm about to get a horrible case of 'cabin fever'.  The last few weeks I've been looking online at photo's of outdoor Fall photos.   Praying and begging for Fall to arrive.

Today, I decided to add a little Fall to my dining room table. I made a little center piece.  Sorry, no photos.  The batteries in my camera died. But, I've complied a few photo's for you to enjoy from around the world wide web, and maybe help with the 'cabin fever'.  Enjoy.

I can not wait until the temps begin to cool, the air is crisp, the sky is that Fall blue.  Until then, I will enjoy the last few days of summer and happily bid it farewell.

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