Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Thought: Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

A thought, a word, a feeling.  Sometimes these can be helpful or hurtful.  Sometimes the person means to help and sometimes the person means to hurt.  Most everyone in the world knows Newton's Laws of Motion.  They are the three physical laws that form the basis for classical mechanics.  They describe the relationship between the forces acting on a body and it's motion due to those forces.  It is the third law that gets most people: Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

For today's thought, every emotion has an equal and opposite reaction.  This means every hurt has the same amount of healing.  Every hate has the same amount of love.  Every enemy, has the same amount of friendship.  Or does it?

When my children were younger, I taught them that every thing they do in life, every word they say, has an equal and opposite reaction and the chain of events will begin.  There were times when even I thought this was not correct.  However, I believe it more now than I ever have in my life.

When you see someone you love very dearly hurting due to another person's action and you see the REACTION of that hurt, you, by human nature, want to see the person that caused the hurt to hurt more.  Is this the right thing?  It is the natural way in life, "an eye for an eye".  But is that the right thing?

Not wanting to get religious, but God does tell us to "Love they neighbor as thyself", to "Do unto others what you would have them to do you" and to "forgive those who persecute us".  However, human nature tells us, "YOU hurt me, YOU did me wrong, YOU will pay."  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  In the real world, do we sit back and allow this person or another person to hurt us, to cause us to have bad things happen?  Or do we fight back with the opposite emotion knowing people will continue to hurt, and cause bad things to happen?  I'm afraid the answer is still blowing in the wind. 

People who cause bad things to happen will "Get theirs in the end."  How long is that?  How long do we wait to see them 'get theirs'?  No matter what, everything in life has an equal and opposite reaction....everything we say, everything we do, everything we think, every action we preform has an equal and opposite reaction.  If we do good, bad will happen.  If we do bad, something good will happen. Or so says Newton.

The Beatles said it best, "Love is all we need".  There is so much hate in the world today.  People causing other people to hurt by their selfish, unfeeling, hate for life. This "I'll get you my little pretty" attitude everyone seems to carry with them has caused more harm than good.  No one stops and thinks that their actions will cause a serious reaction in another persons life, work, relationship.  They are full of anger and vengeance; misery and hate.  They don't stop and think that what they say may cut another deeper than a knife.  Those 'wounds' take a lot longer to heal for the mind may forget but the heart does not. 

God says to "love your enemies", to 'forgive those who have hurt you so you will know forgiveness from the Father".  Sometimes I think God asks more of us than we have.

What are the answers?  I wished I knew.  But, it is something to think about.

Have a great day!

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