Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ham Casserole

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOM, what's for dinner?  Of all the days, I did not need to hear this.  I woke up feeling worse than road kill, the house a mess, DH doing is normal thing...talking....and talking....non-stop!  Went to the clinic and low and behold, I have the flu!  THE FLU!  IN OCTOBER....only me.  I came home, took two pain relievers and went right to bed....only to be awaken to the above question.  I crawled out of the bed and looked into the fridge.  My DH had put the ham in the crock pot..just the ham.  What to do with just a ham.

I remembered what my mother would do with left over ham...after days of ham sandwiches.  She made ham casserole.  And it was delicious.  And, it was easy.

I didn't take photos of it, sorry...I just wanted to get it done. So here is the recipe:

1 bag of egg noodles
1/2 to 1 whole onion (depending on the size of the onion)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup milk
1 cup mushrooms (optional)
1/2 cup green bell pepper (optional)
1/2 to 1 cup of diced up left over ham
Plain chips
Salt and Pepper to taste

Start a pot of water, dice up the onion, add to the water, add egg noodles and cook till done.  (If adding bell pepper, add those with the onions).  Dice up mushrooms and ham.  When noodles are done, drain and place in a bowl.  Add ham and mushrooms to noodles.  Take the can of mushroom soup and milk and mix.  Add to the noodles and ham and mix. Add salt and pepper to taste.  Place in a lightly greased baking dish and top with crushed chips.  Place in the oven uncovered at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until bubbly and heated through.  Serve with a side salad or other veggie.  Easy as pie!  And so creamy and tasty.

Hope you all enjoy it!  We did. :)

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