Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Kitchen Islands

Ugh!  It's too early, too cold (32*), my head is clogged...again.  But, the sun is shinning, the birds are singing, the house is fairly quiet.  What can be better?  The sound of the ocean!
I had a dream last night that I was stranded on an island.  All I could think about was "this is not the island I need."  I kept this dream going until I landed on an island I loved!

That's how I have been the last 8  years.  I live in my grandparents old home.  It's a great home.  It has 3 bedrooms, a huge bath, and laundry room, the living room is roomy, comfy and the kitchen and dinning room are in the center of the house, open floor style.  I love my home.  For the most part.  I would love to have an extra bathroom, even if it is just a powder room.  I would love to pull up the carpet in two of the bedrooms and put down wood flooring.  And, I would love to be able to afford to gut the bathroom and do a total do over in there.  One day. 
The house came with a kitchen island that my grandfather built.  It's huge.  We call it "The Monster".  HOW my grandparents did it, I'll never know.  It was so big, I couldn't open the oven door all the way, or the fridge door all the way without having to move it.  Which was NO easy task.  If more than one person was in the kitchen, they were in the way,   I had a 'love/hate' relationship with this island.  I loved it because it was part of my past, yet, hated it because it was just in the way.
Ever so often hubby and I would go look for something we could use as a replacement for "The Monster".  I always came home aggravated, and spent.  Until this last weekend.  We went everywhere.  I found one item that would have been a good island, but the price was just too high.  I tired to bargain, but the lady would not budge.  We left.  Went to another place I thought might have something, nope.  However, they did suggest a place.  At this point, I was ready to go home, but thought, "Why not?"
We went and looked and I was astounded by the amount of used furniture they call "new".  I just kept walking, shaking my head...until....there it was.  MY island.  I slowly walked over to it and of course, the first thing I did was check the price.  My heart sank.  THEN, I decided to check it out.  It has a gouge in the top.  Some scuff marks on the side, it needed a little work.  So, we asked if the price was set or was there wiggle room.  YES!  There was some wiggle room!!  In the end, we got 20 dollars knocked off the price, a price I could live with. 
We brought my island home and the next day we sat out to figure out HOW to get "The Monster" outta our kitchen.

 My Hubby (isn't he handsome?) ripping out the OLD kitchen island!  We tried to not have to take it apart, but there was no other way. :/

 It's getting closer.  As you can see, this thing takes up a LOT of our floor space.

 And the NEW kitchen island!  I absolutely LOVE IT!

All done.  See how much room we now have?  Hubby said we gained about 4-5 foot of floor space just by removing the old one and putting in the new one.
There are a few thing (actually a LOT of things) I love about this.  It can be a table for breakfast, lunch or if hubby and I just want to have a small dinner for two.  If we need extra seating for family get to gathers, we have that as well.  If I want to look at a recipe, I can do that.   OR, it can be turned and act as a buffet.   It is very functional and I just love the way it looks in the kitchen.

So far, it has received great reviews from family and friends.  There has been one family member that hated it, seemed really upset at the fact that we tore apart "granny and papa's island because now it's not granny and papa's kitchen."  Like I told them, "No, it's my kitchen.  And hanging on to the past, no matter how sentimental it is, can stop us from moving forward in life."

Have a great week!

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