Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Curtains

 I hope you all had a wonderful food filled Thanksgiving.  I made a big mistake the other day.  See, I have a few slipped disks in my lower back.  I've been unable to go to the Chiropractor (time and money shortage) so I had my son try to pop my back.  HUGE MISTAKE and yes, I know better.  Needless to say, it's been a very long week waiting for the office to reopen.   I manage to do a few things to post this week, and I hope you enjoy them. :)

Compared to some, I'm not a big Christmas decorator.  Oh, I put up the tree and do a few things like my bird house village and my Nativity on a side table in the dining room, but that's pretty much it.  I decided to do something in my kitchen this year.
See, my dining room and kitchen are one huge room and it looked really...wrong with the dining room decorated for Christmas and not the kitchen.  It was like I stopped half way through.  So, I did a little something in the kitchen.

For this idea, all you need is  Kitchen curtains, ribbon and a few embellishments.  This is a 2 part tutorial.  It's not hard to do, nor is it time consuming.  Thanksgiving got in the way and  I had to stop.  I will bring the rest later today.

 Get some ribbon that 1. goes with the color scheme of your kitchen and 2. has a Christmas feel to it.

 Cut your ribbon into 12 inch length strips and find the center of your curtains and tie a bow.  Trim the tails.

 That's it.  You can use clip on Christmas flowers, hang pine cones, or ornaments in the window using fish line or Christmas ribbon. Which I did and will post photos later today.

 Close up of the bow.  My windows really need to be cleaned. :/

Sit back and enjoy the view.  

I'm sure after my back popping this morning, I'll feel like a new woman!  That's the goal anyway.

Have a great day!

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