Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Projects

 Spring has sprung!!  And with Spring comes spring projects.  Actually, I'm finding things to do to pass the time waiting for our remodel to begin.  When Home Depot delivered our goodies for the remodel, they left these pallets!!  SCORE!  This one is the PERFECT size for a new headboard for our bedroom!!  So, I set out sanding, and cleaning.

 After I sanded and sanded and sanded, I got out the heat gun and burned a few places, got the hammer, some screws, and a paint can opener and banged it, hit it, tore it up to get a beat up look.

You can see here how the heat gun darkened the knot in this wood.  Be very careful when using a heat gun.  You can burn yourself or set something on fire quite easily.  I filled in the screw holes and when I get the time, I will stain it.  Hopefully, this weekend!

The other project that has been keeping me busy until the remodel is my North Garden.  It is horrible, y'all!  Last summer's heat pretty much killed everything we had planted the last 4 years. I was heart broken after I raked and raked all the fall leaves and found very few plants had survived.

However, looking at the photo below, you can see a few plants did survive; Tulips, Day Lilies, and of course, the Easter Lilies.  The Mum, I thought had completely died is attempting a come back this year.  We'll see what happens as the season progresses.

 In our waterfall garden, we took up the rock border.  We are going to dig it out and add some potting soil to it and put in new plants.

 This used to be a pond/fountain.  We felt that it took away from the waterfall feature, so we have filled it in with dirt and potting soil.  We put this tarp on it because our cats thought it was a HUGE litter box!!!  This area will have mini rose bushes, ornamental lilies, and azaleas. 

 A shot of the Easter Lilies blooming like crazy!

 And our Tulips poking up through the ground!  They multiplied and we have double what we planted last year.  Not complaining.

This is the trellis we built for the climbing rose bush.  Life got crazy and we never got around to moving the rose bush back closer to the trellis.  This Fall that will happen.  The next idea I got was we have a french door in our barn.  IF it fits and it's not too heavy, I am going to attach the door to the trellis and us it as a gate/door.  It is going to look great...if I ever get around to it. :)

What are y'all doing in the yard and around your house this Spring? 


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