Just a Little County

No matter if it is in the kitchen or the great outdoors, it's time to put a little country in our lives.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Simple Things in Life

Sometimes, a person has to stop and just rest. 
My dad worked his entire life.  He worked hard, long hours. His first job was working on a Ranch. He spent 20 years in the Army, then, worked and put himself through nursing school.  He worked over 35 years as a RN, and a very good one at that.  When he wasn't working at the hospital, he was working at home; in the garden, in the yard, repairing our home, remodeling (mom loved to do that).  If you ever saw my dad sitting down, it was usually because he was really sick...which wasn't often.

Today is my dad's 83rd birthday.  When I asked my dad if he wanted a huge party or a little party for his birthday, he replied, "I want banana pudding."  No cake, no ice cream, no presents...just a bowl of banana pudding.  I smiled at my dad, knowing that something as simple as a banana pudding would make his birthday more special than if we had a huge party with all the family in attendance and all the bells and whistles. 

So, as we prepare to begin another day of remodeling (which I will try to post some photos later), I will stop to take my dad his "Birthday Banana Pudding" and wish my dad another year of love, happiness, and family.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

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